{"id":82474,"date":"2017-06-09t10:54:39","date_gmt":"2017-06-09t14:54:39","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/?p=82474"},"modified":"2022-01-05t03:45:49","modified_gmt":"2022-01-05t08:45:49","slug":"lose-10-pounds-in-a-week","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/lose-10-pounds-in-a-week\/","title":{"rendered":"lose ten pounds this week in five simple steps"},"content":{"rendered":"

many americans have goals to lose 10 pounds in a week, yet many of us never manage to reach our goals relating to our health.<\/p>\n

if you\u2019re in a panic because of an upcoming event for which you need to drop a few pounds don\u2019t worry, these five simple steps can help you shed 10 pounds in just one week.<\/p>\n

in addition to this article containing helpful tips for long-term weight loss, it will also deal with practices that can slim you down in as little time as a few days.<\/p>\n

treat the steps listed below as a jump-start for your weight loss journey to propel you into a long-term plan for weight loss.<\/p>\n

can you lose 10 pounds in a week? <\/span><\/h2>\n

if you follow the below steps, you will be able to lose ten pounds in one week.<\/p>\n

however, the weight you lose will be a combination of water weight as well as pure body fat.<\/p>\n

according to the american journal of clinical nutrition<\/a>, a<\/em>\u00a0significant portion of weight loss happens in a calorie deficit, a topic which this article will cover. the other part happens by losing water weight, a subject this article also covers.<\/p>\n

some of the steps below contribute to a reduction in insulin levels, which leads to your body shedding excess water weight due to your body eliminating stored carbs, according to ncbi<\/a>.<\/p>\n

ncbi<\/a> claims that, as well as flushing stored carbs, a reduction in insulin levels can also help the kidneys in flushing out sodium from your body, a process which contributes to water weight loss.<\/p>\n

1. cut out all junk foods<\/strong><\/h2>\n

a very common sentiment from dietitians for good reason, cutting out the typical junk food from your diet can help you dramatically lose weight.<\/p>\n

junk foods to avoid include things like potato chips, sweets, white bread, and anything with a high sugar content.<\/p>\n

when swapping these sorts of foods for more filling, nutritious foods you\u2019ll find that it\u2019s easier to eat less without feeling hungry due to the nutrients you\u2019re getting.<\/p>\n

however, if you do find you get hungry try some veggies or meats high in protein. typically these foods can provide feelings of fullness without having to overeat.<\/p>\n

all in all<\/strong>: one of the biggest steps you can take to lose ten pounds is in purifying your diet by removing processed junk foods in exchange for healthy vegetables and proteins.<\/p>\n

2. stay away from carbs in exchange for protein <\/span><\/h2>\n

according to ncbi<\/a>, one of the best ways to lose weight is by preventing yourself from eating an excess of carbohydrates.<\/p>\n

ncbi<\/a> claims that research shows that eating low-carb is the best way to lose weight quickly and keep it off for the longest.<\/p>\n

when switching to a low-carb diet, you may quickly notice a reduction in weight due to your body getting rid of water weight, as ncbi<\/a> reports.<\/p>\n

if you find yourself hungry on this type of diet, replace your carbs with foods high in protein or fat. according to ncbi<\/a>, this can help increase your feelings of satiety.<\/p>\n

be aware that some vegetables can also be high in carbs, so avoid loading up on things like potatoes on this diet.<\/p>\n

this diet can also provide you with an increased amount of energy and sense of well-being if you replace the empty energy carbohydrates with foods like vegetables and lean meat which provide long-term, sustainable energy.<\/p>\n

all in all<\/strong>: a low-carb diet is the single most effective diet for losing body fat long-term and water weight in the short-term<\/p>\n

3. keep your calorie intake down to\u00a0lose 10 pounds in a week<\/span><\/h2>\n

of all the theories on weight loss, the universally undisputed way to lose weight remains to consume less calories than you use on any given day.<\/p>\n

the essential component of fat loss happens when let your body dip into its fat reserves for energy as opposed to providing it with more energy than it needs.<\/p>\n

if you\u2019re having trouble losing weight, standard practice is counting calories. this process starts by using a tool to find out how many calories you need on a day to day basis, then planning around how you\u2019ll eat under that number.<\/p>\n

along with calorie counting, you could also try the following strategies.<\/p>\n

quit snacking<\/strong><\/p>\n