{"id":82467,"date":"2019-11-19t08:06:33","date_gmt":"2019-11-19t13:06:33","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/?p=82467"},"modified":"2022-05-12t06:11:59","modified_gmt":"2022-05-12t10:11:59","slug":"how-do-you-really-lose-belly-fat","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/how-do-you-really-lose-belly-fat\/","title":{"rendered":"how do you really lose that belly fat?"},"content":{"rendered":"

there’s the idea that performing ab exercises helps you lose belly fat.<\/p>\n

a common symbol of health is a muscular abdomen.<\/p>\n

is there just one way to lose belly fat?<\/p>\n

an overview of the core muscles<\/b><\/h2>\n

the muscles in your core region perform a variety of functions.<\/p>\n

they protect organs, provide support, and assist with movement.<\/p>\n

the four muscles include the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, external oblique, and internal oblique.<\/p>\n

differentiating between abdominal fats<\/b><\/h2>\n

not many people are aware of the fact that there are two differing types of abdominal fat.<\/p>\n

visceral fat\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

found above your organs, in the abdominal cavity.<\/p>\n

this kind of fat also influences hormones in the body.<\/p>\n

subcutaneous fat<\/strong><\/h3>\n

found between the skin and the muscles.<\/p>\n

according to ncbi<\/a>, this is fat that you can physically touch, though having a healthy amount of this type of fat will not drastically increase your propensity for health problems.<\/p>\n

there are two distinct types of abdominal fat, subcutaneous and visceral.<\/p>\n

lean proteins and healthy fats are perfect for a weight-loss diet, but are you getting enough? a weight-loss app like noom<\/strong><\/a><\/a>\u00a0is ideal for tracking food intake using an extensive database of foods regularly updated by nutritionists. <\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

having a six pack and losing weight are two different things<\/b><\/h2>\n

we all know that working a muscle group is key to help maintain its strength.<\/p>\n

despite this fact, exercising a certain muscle group will not reduce the amount of fat present over said muscle group.<\/p>\n

for the abdominal muscles, the presence of subcutaneous fat is what stands in the way of your skin and muscles.<\/p>\n

if you want to look in the mirror and see a six-pack on your abdomen, losing the subcutaneous fat will be the first step. only after losing this fat will your toned abs shine through.<\/p>\n

all in all: <\/b>to have a visibly toned abdomen, you need to lose the subcutaneous fat between your muscles and skin.<\/p>\n

wait, can ab exercises help you lose belly fat?<\/b><\/h2>\n

no, ab exercises will not inherently work away your belly fat better than any other sort of exercise will.<\/p>\n

though it is a common belief that focusing on this muscle group can disproportionately encourage abdominal fat loss, much of the current science suggests that this notion is entirely false.<\/p>\n

what is\u00a0targeted fat loss?<\/b><\/h2>\n

when thinking about how to lose belly fat, many people look\u00a0to target fat loss. target fat loss is based on the idea that when you work out a specific area, you will lose fat only in that particular area.<\/p>\n

while working out a particular area is beneficial for the muscles, this doesn\u2019t translate to targeted fat loss.<\/p>\n

according to ncbi<\/a>, in a study on people doing consistent ab exercises over the course of five weeks, there was no correlation found between this sort of activity and the loss of subcutaneous abdominal fat.<\/p>\n

ncbi<\/a> also reported that this is not a finding limited to belly fat either, in a study done on arm training it was shown that participants were working off fat on their body as a whole rather than just on the arms being trained.<\/p>\n

what\u2019s in a healthy diet? if you\u2019re looking to lose abdominal fat then you need to lose body fat. a great start is by leaving out processed, non-nutritive foods and replacing them with whole foods. noom<\/strong><\/a><\/a>\u00a0can help you track your nutrient intake so you see the difference this simple change makes.<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

studies don\u2019t support this\u2026<\/b><\/h2>\n

there are, however, other studies with contradictory results.<\/p>\n

another study done on arm training in participants showed that fat was disproportionately reduced in the trained spots.<\/p>\n

a similar study supporting this theory was done on whether or not fat being located near the muscles being trained was being worked off faster than the fat in areas surrounding resting muscles.<\/p>\n

though these few studies did confirm findings that fat near the working muscles reduced more than that near non-working muscles, the majority of evidence points to the contrary.<\/p>\n

all in all: <\/b>you can’t lose belly fat in targeted areas; it\u00a0naturally comes off the whole body during\u00a0exercise.<\/p>\n

how to lose belly fat\u00a0with exercise<\/b><\/h2>\n

according to ncbi<\/a>, when exercising, you’ll notice an increase in metabolism and calorie burning. cardio helps\u00a0burn visceral fat on the abdomen.<\/p>\n

it has also been shown that fat mass is burned most effectively<\/a> when undergoing a higher intensity workout<\/a> as opposed to a lower intensity one.<\/p>\n

ncbi<\/a> claims that an essential part of exercising for weight loss is in consistency, with making high-intensity workouts a part of your daily routine.<\/p>\n

many find success with doing even as little as 20 minutes of intense training only three times per week, according to ncbi<\/a>.<\/p>\n

the exercise you would be doing will build muscle mass, a process which encourages your body to shed more fat.<\/p>\n

we love that apps like noom<\/strong><\/a><\/a>\u00a0give users access to a food database and exercise tracking that makes it simple to log what you\u2019re eating, how you\u2019re moving, and whether or not you\u2019re getting the protein, carbs, and fats you need to support weight loss. <\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

try alternative\u00a0exercises to lose belly fat<\/b><\/h2>\n

studies show high-intensity interval training helps you lose belly fat\u00a0compared to the average aerobic exercise, according to ncbi<\/a>.<\/p>\n

ncbi<\/a> claims that this exercise type is structured by short periods of very intense training that lead to longer periods of less intense training.<\/p>\n

according to ncbi<\/a>, the benefits of this are numerous and include higher rate of fat loss<\/a> and decreased appetite.<\/p>\n

though this is an effective strategy for weight loss, it is not the only effective strategy. if you start walking daily, you will still be losing more weight than if you weren\u2019t.<\/p>\n

all in all: <\/b>high-intensity interval training helps you lose belly fat compared to other exercise routines.<\/p>\n

diet is everything to lose belly fat<\/b><\/h2>\n

many people try to compromise in weight loss by exercising, yet keeping their dietary habits the same.<\/p>\n

however, it is a fact that getting all the nutrients you need on a daily basis is just as important as exercising regularly.<\/p>\n

according to ncbi<\/a>, the most common dietary change to lose belly fat involves removing\u00a0processed or sugary foods.<\/p>\n

most americans have an excess of these things in our everyday foods.<\/p>\n

it would be beneficial to look to a high-protein diet as a replacement for a diet high in sugar content.<\/p>\n

another important thing is to make sure what you\u2019re eating is a real, whole food as opposed to something processed.<\/p>\n

the list of nutrients commonly lost in processed foods includes things like vitamins, minerals, and even fiber.<\/p>\n

research confirms that diet and exercise is essential if you want to lose belly fat.<\/p>\n

“yogurt: the ultimate flat belly food, with active bacteria that is just so good for the gut! a trick i use is to eat a couple spoonfuls of yogurt multiple times throughout the day to keep me feeling satiated and constantly digesting,” states amanda russell, founder and chief editor of fit strong and sexy.<\/p>\n

take a moment to look into noom<\/strong><\/a><\/a>. the food and exercise logging alone make it simpler to lose weight and finally peek at those ab muscles. the app just works. <\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n\"how

the real way to lose that belly fat<\/b><\/h2>\n

by this point, it\u2019s evident that doing a myriad of crunches in your spare time will not shed any excess belly fat you may have.<\/p>\n

one of the most useful tools for fat loss can be a high-intensity exercise routine.<\/p>\n

a healthy diet is also monumentally important when you\u2019ve set out to lose weight.<\/p>\n

the key to lose belly fat centers around boosting metabolism and reducing caloric intake.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

there’s the idea that performing ab exercises helps you lose belly fat. a common symbol of health is a muscular …<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":29,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[14751],"tags":[243,14786],"acf":{"is_medically_reviewed":true,"medically_reviewed_by":{"id":49,"user_firstname":"meg","user_lastname":"dowell","nickname":"megdowell","user_nicename":"megdowell","display_name":"meg dowell","user_email":"meg@summer.com","user_url":"","user_registered":"2017-08-28 17:48:48","user_description":"meg dowell, m.s., is a staff health and fitness writer with the cheat sheet, and a freelance health editor and writer. she has earned bachelors degrees in english and dietetics, a master\u2019s degree in health communication, and a graduate certificate in visual and digital health communication. full bio<\/a>","user_avatar":false},"q_and_a":false,"jump_links":false,"price":"","delivery_method":"n\/a","product_website":"","is_mlm":false,"has_sample":false,"has_testimonials":false,"has_money_back_guarantee":false,"has_parent_2022足球世界杯德国队分组 ":false,"has_bbb_listing":false,"mfg_country":"not sure","year_introduced":"","is_active":true,"where_to_buy":false,"competitors":false,"external_user_reviews":[{"name":"tonycywu","source_url":"https:\/\/www.trainerroad.com\/forum\/t\/visceral-abdominal-fat-loss\/37689\/28","review_text":"

“i found core exercises help me the most. aside from planned training\/ride, every night i would also do 10 min of planks\/side planks & variations like superman planks\u2026”<\/p>\n"},{"name":"univox","source_url":"https:\/\/www.trainerroad.com\/forum\/t\/visceral-abdominal-fat-loss\/37689\/3","review_text":"

“my experience a number of years ago having dropped over 100lbs, i lost fat all over but the belly felt like the last to go and really hung in there for a long time. i would periodically reevaluate what i was doing, find ways to fine tune my diet, habits, and training anytime i found myself in a plateau.”<\/p>\n"},{"name":"tylerdurdenpower","source_url":"https:\/\/www.hltv.org\/forums\/threads\/2074557\/how-to-get-red-of-belly#r35972839","review_text":"

“belly fat is the last place fat dissapears. on men fat is most easily stored on belly. be patient and work out n get proper nutrition.”<\/p>\n"}],"ingredient_list":false,"related_by_brand":false,"related_by_ingredients":false,"related_by_type":false,"youtube_video_id":"","amazon_url":"","gnc_url":""},"yoast_head":"\nhow do you really lose belly fat?<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"what is the best way to lose belly fat? can you target fat loss? what are the best exercises to lose belly fat? can you lose belly fat fast?\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/how-do-you-really-lose-belly-fat\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_us\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"how do you really lose that belly fat?\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"what is the best way to lose belly fat? 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