{"id":563638,"date":"2020-12-17t14:27:08","date_gmt":"2020-12-17t19:27:08","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/?p=563638"},"modified":"2023-01-19t20:06:37","modified_gmt":"2023-01-20t01:06:37","slug":"healthy-ideas-new-years-resolution-mindfulness-practice","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/healthy-ideas-new-years-resolution-mindfulness-practice\/","title":{"rendered":"healthy ideas for new year’s resolution: mindfulness practice"},"content":{"rendered":"

the new year is right around the corner, and many people are thinking about making their resolution list. when it comes to ideas for new year’s resolutions, many people are thinking about mindfulness practice. mindfulness practice is an excellent way for people to calm their minds, focus on their priorities, and deal with stress. of course, some people are thinking about getting involved in mindfulness for the first time. there are some essential tips to note for those looking for a few great ideas to get more engaged with this helpful practice; there are some key tips to note! check out a few of our examples!<\/p>\n

start by practicing deep breathing on a daily basis<\/h2>\n

if you have never given mindfulness a try before, then it’s important to start slowly. similar to starting a new workout routine or giving a new activity a try, it’s a good idea to ease into this activity. the goal of deep breathing is to get you to focus on exactly where your thoughts are located. instead of letting your mind wander during this activity, the goal is to focus on your breathing pattern. think about positive thoughts when you inhale and then exhale the negative emotions away. by focusing on your breathing pattern, your mind won’t wander.<\/p>\n


even though daily deep breathing is undoubtedly an attainable goal, there’s no need for you to sit there for a half-hour, wondering what you are supposed to do. instead, start with five minutes in the morning or five minutes in the evening. then, as deep breathing becomes a part of your daily routine, increase the length of time.<\/p>\n

for example, if you are having a rough time at work, you might find a quiet place where you can go and practice your deep breathing for a few minutes. when you first start deep breathing, it’s possible that you might not feel very mindful or calm.<\/p>\n

you might even wonder what you are doing. that\u2019s okay! the goal is to force yourself to take five minutes to be alone with your thoughts. this is an excellent way for you to control your stress and deal with negative emotions that you might be experiencing.<\/p>\n

there are a few significant benefits you’re going to enjoy if you practice deep breathing. one is stress reduction. for example, a medical study published by the journal of the american medical association<\/em><\/a> concluded that deep breathing and meditation can help people reduce their stress.<\/p>\n

usually, stress is highlighted by the release of cortisol. there are many adverse effects of stress people might experience. for example, there are cytokines released by the immune system that can lead to chronic inflammation. if you experience stress, this can lead to issues with your sleeping patterns, mood problems and can even cause you to feel anxious. this can promote further medical complications, particularly those involving the cardiovascular system. one other specific study indicated that mindfulness helps people reduce their inflammatory response caused by stress, according to brain, behavior, and immunity<\/em><\/a>.<\/p>\n

to prevent these issues, consider using deep breathing as a form of mindfulness practice. this is one of the top ideas for new year\u2019s resolutions!<\/p>\n

the power of the mind is unbelievable. it works with mental and physical health. when it comes to weight loss, we believe the mind plays a critical role in your success and so does noom<\/strong><\/a>. check out the free trial offer<\/strong><\/a> of noom today to see how your mind works to affect your weight.\u00a0<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

take a mindfulness walk with a friend<\/h2>\n

another great way to practice mindfulness is to go on a mindfulness walk with a friend or family member. during this walk, the idea is to live in the moment and not focus on any specific goals or intentions. for example, you may want to point out the colors you see as you walk mindfully. the good news is you can use this form of mindfulness anywhere. you can take a walk in the neighborhood and look at the beautiful flowers and bushes in people’s yards. you can also take a mindfulness walk in a crowded city and note some of the changes that might have happened recently. you can practice your deep breathing as you go on your mindfulness walk. there’s no need to be in a rush, no appointments to keep, and no need to be in a hurry. instead, you can release your sorrows, get rid of your worries, and try to bring peace to your mind and body.<\/p>\n

even though it’s certainly possible for you to go on a mindfulness walk on your own, it’s better to walk with another person. that way, you won’t be focused on your to-do list, stresses, or responsibilities during the walk. it will be easier for you to live in the moment if you walk with someone else.<\/p>\n

furthermore, walking on its own can help you improve your mood. one medical study from the journal of clinical psychiatry<\/em><\/a> showed that walking could help people feel happier and deal with their stress. mindfulness walks are also a great way for you to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence while also reducing signs of social withdrawal. in addition to the physical benefits, walking is one of the top ideas for new year’s resolutions because of the mental health benefits it provides.<\/p>\n

when you are going on your mindfulness walk, it’s easy to get distracted by some of the colors, buildings, and people playing. therefore, you must make sure that you prioritize your safety. some of the key tips to keep in mind include:<\/p>\n