{"id":506688,"date":"2018-03-01t11:34:53","date_gmt":"2018-03-01t16:34:53","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/?p=506688"},"modified":"2023-01-20t02:46:46","modified_gmt":"2023-01-20t07:46:46","slug":"seagan-diet","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.digitopmedia.com\/seagan-diet\/","title":{"rendered":"seagan diet – is this diet healthy?"},"content":{"rendered":"

seagan diet – something fishy is going on in the wellness world, and it\u2019s making waves as the new gold standard for sustainable, satisfying, and healthy eating. called the seagan (seafood plus vegan) diet, it\u2019s ideal for those who can\u2019t\u2014or don\u2019t want to\u2014go whole-hog vegan but crave the nutritional benefits of a largely plant-based diet. others find it a useful steppingstone on the way to full-fledged vegan-hood.<\/p>\n

what do seagans eat?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

this colorful, nutrient-packed diet features fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains, plus all varieties of seafood. off the menu are red meats and pork, poultry, eggs, and dairy. note: seagans should not be confused with pescatarians, who do<\/em> eat dairy and often eggs.<\/p>\n

of course\u2014despite the healthy choices listed above\u2014it\u2019s possible to be an overweight, unhealthy seagan. oreos, french fries, potato chips, fried fish, sugary \u201cice creams,\u201d and other junk foods may all be vegan\/seagan, but they can pack on the pounds and lead to serious health issues. everyone needs a treat now and then, but aim to eat clean, whole foods as often as possible.<\/p>\n

the magic of omega-3<\/strong><\/h2>\n

what\u2019s special about a seafood-plus-vegan diet versus, say, a chicken-plus-vegan or bacon-plus-vegan diet (yup, i get that one a lot)? fish\u2014the right kind of fish\u2014delivers an impressive dose of omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies need to grow and thrive.<\/p>\n

the american heart association<\/a> recommends eating at least two servings of fish per week, preferably fatty varieties such as sockeye salmon, arctic char, atlantic mackerel, rainbow trout, and mussels.<\/p>\n

while omega-3s can be found in plants\u2014most famously flaxseeds\u2014the vegetarian form is a type of precursor omega-3 (ala) that is less efficient and more difficult to absorb than that found in seafood (epa and dha).<\/p>\n

need more reasons to eat fish? it\u2019s low in saturated fat, high in protein, and drenched in vitamins and minerals.<\/p>\n

but before you get hooked, know that \u2026<\/p>\n

fish is fraught<\/strong><\/h3>\n

our oceans, and the plant- and wildlife within, are suffering:<\/p>\n