{"id":82,"count":38,"description":"\"eat\r\nthe concept that eating the right foods and paying attention to your diet will help make you healthier and live a better quality of life is not a new concept. whether you consider yourself healthy already or have some issues that you wish to resolve, physicians agree that one of the best places to start is with a healthy diet.\r\n\r\nhowever, in western society, the concept of how to eat a healthy diet seems to have been lost. with skyrocketing obesity rates and obesity growing among younger persons and children, getting the word out about how to eat a healthy diet is one of the most important tasks that we face.\r\n

what is a healthy diet?<\/h2>\r\na healthy diet means eating the right foods that include all of the macronutrients, micronutrients, calories, and fluid intake that one needs to sustain health, according to the world health organization<\/a> (pdf). there are various ways to achieve this and many different diet plans that provide the nutrition needed for optimum health. a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods can be used to maintain a healthy diet.\r\n\r\nthere are two different components to eating a healthy diet. the first is consuming the right foods to provide your body with the nutrients that it needs to sustain optimal health. the second is avoiding unhealthy foods. many processed foods have been linked to the development of serious health conditions, says research in nutrients<\/em><\/a>. having a healthy diet means eating the right foods and avoiding those that are bad for you.\r\n\r\na healthy diet has many benefits. among them are more energy, improved health, and it can help stabilize your mood. if you eat a healthy diet for heart strength and improvement, it can help you to live longer, especially if you're overweight or obese, according to the journal of the american medical association<\/em>. a healthy diet can help you achieve weight loss goals as well. the key to weight loss starts with your diet.\r\n\r\nhaving a healthy diet helps you to feel better, look better, and have more energy. it can also help you avoid or delay many of the effects of the aging process. it helps you look and feel younger for a longer time. many ways eating right can improve your quality of life for the long-term.\r\n

what are macronutrients?<\/h2>\r\na good healthy diet begins with making certain that you are getting enough macronutrients. macronutrients<\/a> refer to chemical substances that the human body needs in large amounts for survival. they are divided into three main categories: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. sometimes people will call them \"macros.\"\r\n\r\nwithout healthy diet foods containing macronutrients, we would not be able to survive. they are the most important in sustaining health and life. it is important to get the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your diet.\r\n\r\nalthough there are some general recommendations about how much of each category macronutrients a person needs, certain factors can cause the need to deviate. these factors include lifestyle, gender, health status, health goals, and age. regarding lifestyle, it depends on whether you are active, very active, or lead a sedentary lifestyle. many people who work in modern offices have a more sedentary lifestyle, compared to the lifestyle they want to live. now let us discuss a little more about the major macronutrient categories.\r\n

protein<\/h3>\r\nprotein is one of the most important fuel supplies for your body. it supports energy, mood, cognitive function, and many other basic bodily functions, such as keeping your heart rate going. clinical research suggests the macronutrient works to promote weight loss and weight maintenance, according to the american journal of clinical nutrition<\/em><\/a>. proteins are the basic building blocks of the body, and as we age, we often need more high-quality sources of proteins. however, this does not necessarily mean that you should eat more meat, high-quality plant-based sources are recommended.\r\n\r\nwithout quality protein, our tissues and cells cannot repair themselves. the proteins that we eat are broken down into 20 different amino acids which supply the foundation of the ability to grow and have energy. proteins are important for your heart health, healthy hair, nails, skin, building muscle, supporting your immune function, and the ability to recover after injury or exercise.\r\n\r\nanimal sources provide all of the amino acids your body needs. you can also get plenty of proteins from sources such as beans, vegetables, grains, and nuts. however, some plant-based sources do not have all of the amino acids needed. it is possible to get all of the amino acids that you need from an entirely plant-based diet, but you need to understand which proteins are missing and find a way to supply them using non-animal-based means.\r\n

fats<\/h3>\r\nfat has received a bad rap in popular media sources but is important to know that your body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly, says nutrition journal<\/em><\/a>. not all fat is bad, and you must understand how to choose between good fats and bad fats. good fats are important for protecting your brain, heart, and are essential for maintaining both physical and emotional health.\r\n\r\nthe bad fats that you have heard about include artificial trans-fats and saturated fats. these are fats that have been processed in such a way that they are implicated in weight gain and other health issues.\r\n\r\nunsaturated fats are the good guys. fats such as omega-3s have the opposite effect on the body than bad fats. omega-3s and other good fats are the ones that your body needs to function properly. while too many bad fats will raise your ldl cholesterol level and set you up for developing chronic diseases, eating plenty of good fats helps lower your cholesterol and have a positive impact on your health, especially heart health says the american heart association<\/a>.\r\n\r\none of the most difficult concepts that have appeared in the media recently is that all fats are treated as bad fats. however, treating all fat as bad fat means that you are missing out on some of the essential building blocks that your body needs. it is more important to focus on consuming more good fats and limiting bad fats as much as possible rather than limiting all fats in the diet.\r\n\r\nthere are two types of good fats. they are called monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated that. some good sources of monounsaturated fat include:\r\n