
what is a cleanse diet?<\/h2>\r\na cleanse diet refers to any diet that helps promote detoxification or the elimination of toxins that reside within the body. toxins within the body can come from different sources. typically, these toxins are picked up from waste products, normal cell activity like lactic acid, ammonia, and homocysteine. other toxins can accumulate in the body through environmental issues such as chemicals present in our food or water. typically, the body cleanses these toxins through our liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and lymphatic systems.\r\n\r\ncleanse diets can promote weight loss, offer an alternative for those seeking a healthy lifestyle, and promote energy within the body. many people find that regularly eating unhealthy foods makes them sluggish. when participating in various cleanse diets, these people tend to feel as if a weight was lifted.\r\n\r\ncleanse diets generally follow the same outline.\r\n