{"id":14793,"count":22,"description":"\"weight\r\n\r\nin the united states, obesity has become a serious issue. over one-third of all adults in the u.s are obese.\r\n\r\nit has been shown that obesity can lead to serious health issues and risks that can shorten the lifespan of those with this issue.\r\n\r\nthose who have obesity also face higher costs for medical related issues. this has made it important for many americans to take steps to reduce their weight to live a healthier life. [cite url=https:\/\/www.cdc.gov\/obesity\/data\/adult.html\"]\r\n\r\nlosing weight can be a difficult challenge for many people. the goal is to eat fewer calories than they burn in a day.\r\n\r\nthis can often be accomplished by decreasing their caloric intake by eating less food.\r\n\r\nunfortunately, this can be difficult for many people. they can often feel hungry and have a difficult time resisting the urge to eat more.\r\n\r\nthey may also feel tired and have troubles maintaining their normal exercise routine.\r\n\r\nthere are weight loss supplements that may be able to help with these issues.\r\n\r\nthe question is weight loss supplements do they work?\r\n

what are weight loss supplements?<\/h2>\r\na weight loss supplement is often a non-prescription pill or additive that one can take to aid with weight loss.\r\n\r\nthese supplements often contain ingredients that are reported to help a person by performing one or more actions that help with weight loss.\r\n\r\nsome of the more common weight loss supplements claim to increase energy, increase fullness, or increase water elimination.\r\n\r\nthere are also types that claim to stop fat absorption, modulate carbohydrate metabolism, or reduce fat synthesis.\r\n\r\nmost supplements claim to provide one or more of these benefits to those wishing to lose weight fast. [cite url=\"http:\/\/citeseerx.ist.psu.edu\/viewdoc\/download?doi=\"]\r\n

increased energy supplements<\/h2>\r\nmost people realize that they must increase the number of calories they burn each day to achieve their weight loss goals.\r\n\r\nhowever, many people, especially those with obesity, may find it difficult to have the energy they need to exercise regularly.\r\n\r\nin addition, major changes in their diet may also decrease their energy, at least temporarily, until their body adjusts.\r\n\r\nthis can often lead many of these people to use weight loss supplement pills that promise to give them more energy.\r\n\r\nenergy providing weight loss supplement ingredients often include one or more of certain common substances.\r\n\r\nthese can include ephedra, bitter orange, country mallow, and caffeine.\r\n

ephedra<\/h3>\r\nephedra is a substance created from the plant ephedra sinica. it may be listed as ephedra, chinese ephedra, or ma huang in the ingredients of various types of supplements that offer an energy boost.\r\n\r\nthese are weight loss supplement banned by fda that contain ephedrine alkaloids.\r\n\r\nthere are certain risks associated with the use of this substance.\r\n\r\nephedra has been shown to assist with short-term weight loss but has not shown effectiveness for long-term results.\r\n\r\nephedra has been associated with stroke and may increase blood sugar levels.\r\n\r\ncommon side-effects associated with ephedra are:\r\n