by summer banks fns, spt on may 12, 2022

you want to lose a few pounds. but, you don’t know where to turn. are weight-loss systems the answer?

throughout the years, weight-loss systems have come in many different forms. however, one thing is the same – weight-loss systems tend to work.


what are weight-loss systems?

weight-loss systems are programs designed to help you lose weight and improve overall health and wellness. to lose weight, you must pick a system that is right for you.

however, weight-loss systems aren’t a quick fix. you should focus on overall health and develop habits to transform your life. eating right and exercising regularly helps improve your weight-loss results.

bottom line: there are many weight-loss systems to choose from, but make sure you make healthy lifestyle decisions that will help you keep the weight off.

adding a weight-loss app like noom to your new life is an amazing way to keep track of lifestyle changes and results.

types of weight-loss systems

weight-loss systems aren’t just eating plans; they also consist of exercise programs and supplementation. examples include:

  • ps1000
  • atkins 20
  • 80-day obsession
  • nutrisystem lean 13

every weight-loss system offers something different. so it’s best to include your doctor in your lifestyle changes. you should always know the pros and cons of a weight-loss system before you start. below we will discuss each weight-loss system in-depth.

bottom line: consult a doctor before you decide on which weight-loss systems you would like to implement in your lifestyle.

diet supplements

weight-loss systems and diet pills

typically, you’ll add a diet pill with weight-loss systems. doing so adds to your new lifestyle changes. the reasons people add diet pills with weight-loss systems vary. however, some reasons include:

  • decrease appetite, making you feel full so that you eat fewer calories
  • reduce absorption of fat, making you take in fewer calories
  • increase metabolism which you burn fat and more calories

make a careful decision about which dietary pill would match best with your healthy habits. also, consult your doctor about which supplements you can take that will not interact with other medications that you might already be taking.

bottom line: there are a variety of dietary pills on the market now and they help you with different things. but, you what to choose the right supplement to improve your lifestyle.

support for your new lifestyle is a tried and true way of staying on track for lasting weight loss and maintenance. weight-loss apps like noom are clinically proven to work.

diet programs and weight-loss systems

diet programs and weight-loss systems work hand-in-hand. both are proven methods of losing weight on a short-term and long-term basis. when starting a diet program or weight-loss system, remember to include:

lifestyle counseling (or behavior treatment)

this will teach you how to develop and continue with making healthier habits. once the program is over, you should be ready to keep food and exercise journals. the most favorable weight-loss programs give you 12-16 sessions, or more of lifestyle counseling and a trained staff member does them.

provide information

this information should answer questions about how to get enough sleep, how to manage stress, and what are the benefits and disadvantages of weight-loss medicines.

giving feedback

the feedback gives you power throughout the program to monitor your progress. the communication can be done either in person, by phone, or online.

bottom line: some weight-loss systems have all of these elements for a safe and successful program. check for these features in any program you are thinking about using.

noom is among the best weight-loss systems available today. you access human coaching, one-on-one support and a personalized weight-loss plan all in a simple-to-use package.


exercise and weight-loss systems

make sure you’re working out. if you’re not sweating, then you are not moving your body fast enough. “from a scientific perspective, it’s the intensity of exercise that raises the metabolism,” says jackowski.

do more aerobic cardio. any exercise that allows you to talk but makes it tasking to carry on with a long conversation is the best exercise routine for weight loss, says edward jackowski, ph.d., founder of exude fitness training programs and author of escape your weight.

weight lifting and other intense workouts are helpful, but with aerobic cardio exercise, you are working out the whole body which means you will burn more calories. if you are working out at a gym, you should spend 60 minutes of your time doing cardio exercises.

alternate between different intensities. “when you change things up, every system of the body has to adapt,” explains franci cohen, an exercise physiologist, certified nutritionist, and founder of the brooklyn, new york-based fuel fitness.

find a local or online support group so you can be encouraged to stick to the routine and cultivate good workout habits.

bottom line: don’t go through a routine, exert your body. mix it up and try different exercise routines, so you don’t get bored, according to an article posted on cosmopolitan. remember, if you don’t feel winded and you can speed it up, you should be moving faster.

one of the best ways we’ve found to track exercise and access tons of expert- and doctor-authored health articles is the weight-loss app noom.

online weight-loss systems

beachbody on demand is an example of an online weight-loss system. using an online weight-loss system is relatively new, but there’s research showing fitness improves overall health and wellness.

any online weight-loss system should focus on:

  • setting smart goals.
  • lifestyle counseling from an expert staff member so you can meet your goals.
  • track your progress, whether it is about you keeping up with your exercise routines or you maintaining healthy eating habits. this is all done with an online journal.
  • give you access to a support group so you can talk and receive encouragement from others who are trying to lose weight too.

bottom line: whether a program is online or in person, you should always do your research and see how will the weight-loss system help you reach your goals.


are weight-loss systems safe?

some weight-loss systems are not suitable for you. programs that promote fast or extreme weight-loss can be physically demanding on your body. it may cause serious risks, which include:

dehydration – this can be avoided by drinking plenty of water and other fluids.

malnutrition – can happen if you do not eat enough protein for weeks at a time.

other side effects of extreme weight-loss include:

  • headaches
  • irritability
  • fatigue
  • constipation
  • muscle loss
  • dizziness

the hazards of fast weight-loss increase with the time you spend on the diet. eating a no-protein diet is especially risky.

fast weight-loss diets can be dangerous to your health; however, so can obesity.

this is why professionals on webmd say that a “very-low-calorie diets (vlcds) are considered a reasonable weight-loss option for people with obesity needing rapid weight-loss for a specific purpose such as weight-loss surgery.”

vlcds are doctor-supervised diets that last for many weeks. the meals are nutritionally balanced — people who are on vlcd safely loss 15% to 25% of body weight in 3 months.

some weight will come back when you stop the diet and it will happen immediately; some experts prefer that people start a regular low-cal diet after being on vlcd.

starving yourself is not a good idea. however, if you’re a healthy person, a few days or a few weeks of intense calorie intake reduction isn’t likely to hurt you. but, always tell your doctor about what weight-loss system you are on. eat plenty of protein, take a multivitamin, and eat potassium-rich foods.

bottom line: remember that fast weight-loss diets never help you maintain a healthy weight. most people put the pounds right back on. this is why you need to do your research and consult your pcp.

the weight-loss app noom can play a particularly important role in maintaining a new healthy diet and lifestyle changes that result in lasting weight loss.

weight-loss systems to avoid

avoid the weight-loss system that guarantees you can “lose 30lbs. in 30 days.” or the ones that say that “you can eat whatever you want and it does not matter how small or big the amount is.”

there are so many weight-loss systems available today and many of them are just trying to get in your pocketbook. according to the centers for disease control and prevention, “50 percent of the adult american population overweight and obese,” so there is no wonder why digital marketers are investing in the weight-loss industry.

research into weight-loss systems is essential so you can choose the right one. before starting any weight-loss program, consult your doctor first.

being obese is unhealthy, but losing weight the wrong way is unhealthy too.

bottom line: yes, not all weight-loss systems are created equal. some programs appear to be good, saying that “you can effectively lose weight fast,” but this does not mean that they are safe and healthy.


health benefits of weight-loss systems

the benefits of weight-loss systems include:

  • improve your memory
  • more energy
  • healthier lifestyle

bottom line: there are many benefits when starting to eat healthier foods and participating in physical activities. the key is to maintain a new healthy lifestyle.

bottom line

bottom line on weight-loss systems

weight-loss systems help countless people lose weight and improve overall health and wellness. the key to success centers on finding the right weight-loss system fitting your lifestyle.

about the author:

summer banks has researched over 5000 weight-loss programs, pills, shakes and diet plans. previously, she managed 15 supplement brands, worked with professionals in the weight loss industry and completed coursework in nutrition at stanford university.
