the organic diet and lifestyle - 1 things you need to know

by summer banks fns, spt on jan 04, 2022

the organic diet and lifestyle

many people turn to organic food due to its lack of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. a number of scientific studies have been conducted into the benefits of the organic diet and holistic health, creating an organic renaissance of sorts. anyone considering going organic should do research on the matter to learn the potential benefits associated with this change. a lot has been written in this regard, so anyone considering this lifestyle will have a good starting point.

“we are exposed to toxic chemicals all day long without even knowing it. our bodies are being bombarded with environmental toxins everyday like phylates, pcbs, or lead . where we do have control, is over the food we put into our bodies. there are over 80,000 chemicals in commercial use in the us, but only about 2% of those have been assessed for safety, according to u.s. president’s cancer panel report 2010. by buying organic food you are avoiding any of the harmful chemicals.” states christine egan, health coach and founder of redefining healthy.

why going organic is good for you

  • – this is a site with detailed recipes, information and nutritional information on organic produce.
  • benefits of going organic – site viewers are given an in depth guide to eating organic and promoting holistic health practices.
  • eating organic on a budget – readers are given seven tips to buying organic on a budget.
  • healthy eating organic sales have soared throughout the years. this article shares industry facts and health benefits.
  • fruitful minds – is organic really better? this is an article detailing the benefits of shopping for organic fruits and vegetables.
  • benefits of organic dairy farms – this in depth piece shows how organic farming practices have benefits for dairy farmers.

why going organic is good for the environment

  • environmental benefits of organic agriculture – the food and agriculture organization of the united nations answers frequently asked questions related to the effect of organic farming on the environment.
  • six reasons to choose organic – the organic valley co-op discusses why they grow organic, and outline six reasons for a consumer to go organic.
  • – a washington state university study says that organic food is healthier for consumers, tastes better and is better for the environment.
  • beyond pesticides – this site, dedicated to protecting the environment, tells about the dangers of pesticides and details why organic farming is healthier and more beneficial.
  • eating organic on a budget – the magazine issues ways to go organic on a budget.
  • understanding organic food labels – this guide features an article on organic health labels.

organic diet

organic lifestyle

  • go organic without going broke – many consumers shy away from organic living due to the high costs associated with these purchases. this report lists 25 ways to cut costs while shopping organic.
  • lifestyle organic this all-encompassing site contains information on organic food and health for individuals, families and medical professionals.
  • organic lifestyles – this texas a&m organic lifestyle organization shares information on eating healthy, gardening and composting.
  • organic lifestyle magazine – this publication features editorials, news articles, recipes and reports on everything pertaining to the organic lifestyle.
  • holistic living – this site is filled with information and advocacy on organic living from the holistic moms network.
  • find sustainable food – this site allows users to find sustainable, healthy food near them.
  • evolving organic lifestyle – how to follow the evolving organic food lifestyle.
  • how to live an organic life – three steps to living life more organically.

article sources
about the author:

summer banks has researched over 5000 weight-loss programs, pills, shakes and diet plans. previously, she managed 15 supplement brands, worked with professionals in the weight loss industry and completed coursework in nutrition at stanford university.
