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if you’ve heard anything about the maker’s diet, you’re probably wondering what the diet is and how it came to be. while researching the details of this diet, the first thing our team noticed were customer concerns about accuracy. with a claim like, “the 40-day healthy experience that will change your life forever,” you better know what you’re talking about. once we started digging into the scientific research, we realized the concerns about accuracy were warranted.

instead of sifting through trials and studies, the diet had us reaching for the bible…. when we read a customer review complaining that the book instructed her to eat dirt, we knew we were in for a long night. speculation, contradiction and weight loss – here’s everything we found on the maker’s diet and the truth about this holy weight-loss regimen.

the maker’s diet readers: noom is offering our readers a risk-free trial, for a limited time. click here for more information!

what is the maker’s diet?

where do you even start with a diet like this? to put it as simply as possible, it’s a diet book where the foods you eat are based on old testament principles. these are whole, organic foods, red meat, saturated fats and carbohydrates.

taking a page out of the organic diet and lifestyle, the deal is this: the foods you eat need to be unprocessed, untreated and unrefined with no pesticides or hormones.

the book, written by jordan s. rubin, nmd, phd, focuses on spiritual practices, hygiene and eating – all based on the bible.

the diet in the book is broken down into three, two-week stages – with the first stage being the most restrictive. as they go on, more food is allowed into your diet. it sounds appealing at first glance, but we’re just getting started.

food list

the maker’s diet – food you can eat

jordan s. rubin wants you to eat food that was created as god intended for consumption, to follow the biblical teachings and to buy his supplements.

also called the bible diet, this weight-loss system is designed to have you eating just like they did in the bible times. it’s incredibly restrictive at times and, from what we’ve read, can get astronomically expensive.


here’s the list of foods that you can eat:


in the book, jordan includes a list of vegetables suitable for the diet, organic, of course. these veggies include:

  • mushrooms
  • squash
  • sweet potatoes
  • carrots
  • corn
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • greens


apparently, the choices for dairy are a bit limited in the book. it encourages organic dairy products and allows you to eat:

  • hard cheeses – but only from goat or cow milk
  • yogurt – from goat milk or organic cow milk
  • goat milk (raw)


the book urges you to eat what it calls “clean meats.” this includes organic, grass-fed meat:

  • beef
  • lamb
  • venison
  • buffalo

no pork is allowed, as per the diet.

the fish you eat must still have the scales and fins:

  • tuna
  • mahi
  • trout
  • snapper
  • salmon
  • tilapia

wild-caught fish are encouraged by the book.

  • shellfish is a no-no
  • chicken is allowed
  • chicken and duck eggs are allowed
  • caviar must be fresh – processed caviar is unacceptable
  • legumes and beans are ok

“most nuts and seeds are allowed and should be raw or dry roasted; some nut butters, such as almond butter, are also allowed, but nuts fried in oil are not.”



the grain choices in the book are extremely limited – as other foods are. your options include:

  • quinoa
  • sprouted whole grain cereal
  • buckwheat
  • fermented sourdough bread
  • “sprouted breads of the ezekiel or essene type”

and, of course, all grains are required to be organic.

fats and oils

as far as cooking goes, the book urges you to use evoo (extra virgin olive oil). other fats that you can use for food (just not for cooking) are:

  • ghee
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • butter made from cow or goats milk.


there are a handful of fruits included in the “yes” list here. they are:

  • grapes
  • lemons
  • apricots
  • limes
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • pineapples

these fruits are to be completely organic (fresh or frozen).

you can sweeten your food with unheated raw honey or date sugar – nothing artificial is allowed. no carbonation is allowed, but natural spring water is acceptable. basically, anything processed or unnatural is a no-no here. if you want to sweeten tea – you must use honey or raw fruit, coconut water or vegetable juice.


the maker’s diet also calls for weekly partial fast days for each part (or phase) of the diet.

foods that are strictly prohibited by the diet include pasta, shellfish, bread, pork, and…kangaroo.

“mom, it’s me. don’t buy any kangaroo tonight, i’m starting the maker’s diet.”


the maker’s diet benefits

it’s hard to think that any of this couldn’t be beneficial to your health. you’re eliminating processed foods, additives, preservatives, etc.…only consuming natural foods and ingredients.

the creator of this diet claimed that he saw a “vision from god about a diet plan that would transform lives in 10 days.” we don’t need to list any other claims or promises, because that one pretty much takes the cake.

“while most people lose an average of 10 to 15 pounds in the first 40 days, the maker’s diet goes far beyond a weight loss program, providing people with a lifelong roadmap for achieving and maintaining total wellness,” says jordan s. rubin.

some of the claimed benefits are:

  • weight-loss
  • improved general wellness
  • stronger immune system

let’s see what some of the leading medical experts have to say about this diet and organic foods in general.

webmd writes that, “reducing toxins is a key component of the maker’s diet, and that includes avoiding water and toothpaste treated with fluoride, cavities filled with mercury, and overexposure to electromagnetic fields such as excess x-rays, cell phones, or microwave use.”


the book also urges prayer at the start and end of each day, as well as hand-washing before each meal. if we haven’t mentioned it yet – this is a very spiritual diet.

director of nutrition at the american council on science and health in new york, ruth kava, phd, rd, told webmd, “i don’t know of any data that suggests that organic is better than other produce, but it’s more expensive…organic’ and ‘natural’ have that ‘good-for-you buzz,’ but there are a lot of natural poisons, so that part of this marketing ploy does not get me too excited.”

one of the most talked-about complaints of the diet was the cost of keeping up with it. customers just don’t have the money to spend on ingredients and foods that may or may not be healthier for you.

in fact, mayo clinic writes, “one common concern with organic food is cost. organic foods typically cost more than their conventional counterparts. higher prices are due, in part, to more expensive farming practices.”

are organic foods good for you?

it’s important to understand what medical professionals and research have to say about eating organic foods. these days, you read “organic!” and immediately think you’re doing your body a favor – this just isn’t always the case.

a research article from the international journal of food sciences and nutrition talks about the perception of organic food these days. “apparently, one of the primary reasons for purchasing organic food is the perception that it is more nutritious than conventional food.”


they concluded with, “several important directions can be highlighted for future research; it seems, however, that despite any differences, a well-balanced diet can equally improve health regardless of its organic or conventional origin.”

this isn’t to say that the diet won’t work – of course, eating fresh, organic fruits and veggies from a garden would be healthy, but we couldn’t find anything linking this diet to weight loss.

side effects

the maker’s diet side effects

so does the organic diet and lifestyle have any potential side effects? according to experts, the biggest side effect you’ll experience is a steady decrease in funds from your bank account, foxnews says.

according to thebalance, there have been polls recently suggesting that most people in the us think organic foods just aren’t worth the price. the reason for this being that a lot of americans believe there is no difference between organic food and conventional food. according to polls, americans think organic foods are nothing more than a “fancy label.”


it sounds like you’ll be paying way more money for the food items and supplements that you’re instructed to buy (that are sold by…yep, jordan s. rubin.)

the maker’s diet 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 information

jordan rubin owns garden of life inc. based out of west palm beach, florida.

garden of life inc. has been around for 17 years.

we can go into detail about jordan’s biography, as per his own website, but in this case, it might be better to discuss what he’s lied to customers about in the past.

he (and the diet) make a lot of claims. he uses religion heavily and claims that god sent him this weight-loss diet. right off the bat, he’s gained a massive following and his books have become very popular – so why all the negative reviews?


but now we are starting to get a better idea why so many customers are calling this diet a scam. the maker’s diet made $42.3 million on customers who are also trying a natural lifestyle and to obtain weight loss.

but rubin’s website says he has a phd, that he’s a certified nutritional consultant, and a neuropathic doctor – so what’s the problem?

according to quackwatch.org, “his “nmd” (naturopathic medical doctor) is from the peoples university of the americas school of natural medicine, a non-accredited school with no campus.

his “phd” is from the academy of natural therapies, a non-accredited correspondence school that the state of hawaii ordered to close in 2003.

his “cnc” (certified nutritional consultant) comes from the american association of nutritional consultants, whose only requirement for “professional member” status has been payment of a $50 or $60 fee. the cnc requires passage of a test based mainly on the contents of books that promote nutrition quackery.”


the maker’s diet customer reviews

there are tons of reviews on the book. some devout christians swear by his teaching and the diet, while others (even christians themselves) have given this weight-loss diet a big thumb down.

on goodreads, kristina wrote, “i could read the book up to a certain point. when he starts talking about how we should be eating ‘dirt’, etc. he lost me. and that you should buy his supplements.”


other customer reviews had the same complaints – and we won’t post them here, because…well, they are vicious.

the people are certainly talking about this book, and it isn’t all positive. once we remove this giant, red flag from our faces, we can continue the review…

the maker’s diet alternatives

there are plenty of diets that claim outrageous weight loss. there are also a few diets that center around religion. we wonder if this is because it’s legitimately trying to help others lose weight – or just a cash-grab from religious consumers.

other diets and diet books include:

what users are saying

“wish i would have saved my money. it is basically a 297 page advertisement for rubin’s supplements with numerous testimonials from people cured of everything from migraines to slow growing fingernails.”

“very interesting story, but i disagree with some of his conclusions. i dislike the supplements and special food required.”

“this book was addictive and so informative!”

bottom line

the bottom line – does the maker’s diet work?

the moment we’ve all been waiting for – does this holy diet work or is it just a quick way for this guy to snag some cash from religious followers?

there are some great customer reviews out there – both praising rubin and the lord for helping them lose weight and cure a variety of health ailments. some other readers just think it’s nothing more than a scam. we can’t back this diet for a number of reasons:

the maker’s diet cons:

  • it seems extremely expensive
  • too restrictive
  • the author wants you to “only eat what they did in the bible” but offers his supplements. we don’t think jesus took supplements.
  • the fda warnings and reports of false claims are enough red flags to choke a horse
  • eating dirt?

if you want to lose weight, choose a simple supplement from a trusted 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 with plenty of positive customer reviews backing it. you’ll save money and most likely get even better results in the long-run.

among the best weight-loss supplements on the market is burnhd. it’s a proprietary blend of 4 ingredients, all shown in research to boost metabolism, increase energy and burn fat. we couldn’t find anything on negative side effects and the customer testimonials are all showing user success.

in addition to all of that, we’re so confident that you’ll see the results you’re looking for, there’s a special trial offer right now to get started. and you don’t have to eat dirt.

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the maker’s diet

how much weight can you lose on the maker’s diet?

the maker’s diet is an elimination-based diet that claims to help you lose weight and nourish your body from the inside out. this diet involves eating natural, whole, unprocessed foods while avoiding or reducing certain animal products, processed foods, refined grains and sugars. additionally, this diet focuses on incorporating natural supplements and herbs into daily meals to optimize health. in theory, following the maker’s diet can help increase weight loss over time. however, exact results will vary depending on factors such as caloric intake and exercise habits.

2 the maker’s diet reviews

  • have mercy
    val (verified purchase)

    dr jordan rubin was extremely sick and nearly dead at the age of 20 and has helped many people with this diet. jj virgin and david zinczenko have helped many people too with the information they have learned. all you have to do is to look at the photos of him when he weighed just over 100 pounds and a month and a half later after he had been on this diet. (surely you’ve seen them-they have gone all over the world.) miraculous. sad that all this has been written about someone who wants to share what nearly brought him back to life.

  • angi o. (verified purchase)

    i actually tried this diet because of the opposite, i had lost a lot of weight from being so ill digestively, i literally felt better after the first day of the diet and it continued through the phases, by the end of the first 6 weeks, i had put back on the weight i lost and was a normal healthy weight,

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