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slimfast keto review - 13 things you need to know

slimfast keto: another well-known 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 on the keto train? for over forty years, slimfast has produced weight loss products like nutritional bars and meal replacement shakes.

slimfast keto provides a plan to support dieters who wish to try a ketogenic diet. along with a sensible diet and regular exercise, the program claims that dieters can see results in one week.

our research team wanted to look into the slimfast keto products to determine their overall effectiveness as part of the ketogenic diet, including ingredients and clinical research. the research team found lots of information, including some things you’d never guess about the keto diet.

slimfast keto can be purchased through their official site.

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what is slimfast keto?

the slimfast keto line provides products for consumers on a high-fat, low-sugar, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet. the keto diet is to keep users in a fat-burning state called ketosis.

slimfast keto products include keto smoothies and bars and keto-compatible supplements. slimfast claims that following their low-carbohydrate diet plan will provide some benefits, including rapid fat burning, hunger suppression, and ability to eat foods like bacon and steak.

slimfast keto makes a lot of claims, but are any of them true? before delving into this keto product line, let’s review what the science has to say about this kind of diet and some of the ingredients found in slimfast keto products:

  • experimental and clinical cardiology – research found that on a ketogenic diet, the weight and body mass of obese patients “decreased significantly.”
  • medical news today – mct oils such as coconut oil may help reduce obesity in mice.
  • obesity research some research suggests mct oils allow the body to generate more energy, which gives dieters more room to eat satisfying proteins.

how did slimfast keto start?

slimfast has been in business since 1977, focusing on slimfast diet pills, shakes, snacks, prepackaged meals, and other products for managed weight loss. slimfast also provides meal plans to help consumers attain their health goals.

in 2004 in response to demand for low-carb products, slimfast first produced the lower-sugar slimfast optima line and recently introduced slimfast keto products for the needs of a ketogenic diet.


slimfast keto claims

slimfast keto products claim to help keep dieters in ketosis. while the official site acknowledges no “magical, quick-fix cure for weight loss,” a low-carbohydrate keto diet such as the slimfast diet plan can play a significant role in weight loss.

the slimfast keto diet also claims a ketogenic diet will help reduce hunger pangs by suppressing hunger hormones and allowing dieters to eat satisfying foods like steak.


slimfast keto ingredients

slimfast keto products include meal replacement shakes, snacks, and dietary supplements. all of the products provide low-carbohydrate, high-fat nutrition.

some key slimfast keto ingredients include:

  • mct oil blend (palm, coconut, grass-fed butter)
  • protein blend (whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate)
  • grass-fed collagen peptides
  • cocoa
  • erythritol

mct oil

mct oil is an oil made of medium-chain triglycerides (mct) that commonly occurs in coconut oil. mct oils help raise the fat content of slimfast keto products and help promote a feeling of fullness.


erythritol is a sugar alcohol.


slimfast keto products frequently feature a natural sweetener called stevia. although stevia is 300 times sweeter than standard sugar, it has a limited caloric impact and has been used in foods in japan since the 1970s.

according to the journal of nutrition, stevia is popular due to it being plant-based, zero calories, and significantly sweeter than sugar.

whey protein and collagen protein

whey and collagen protein enable cells to rebuild themselves, which is especially important in conjunction with a healthy exercise program, as the slimfast diet plan recommends.

does slimfast keto work?

any diet or exercise plan has variable results depending on a person’s health and general commitment to the program. however, as the international journal of environmental research and public health points out, the ketogenic diet tends to be useful for different reasons:

  • control of appetite hormones
  • appetite-suppressant effect of ketones

the slimfast keto diet, designed to maintain ketosis, can help dieters achieve these results.

benefits & results

slimfast keto benefits and results

slimfast keto results will vary. the products function to put dieters in a state of ketosis. in ketosis, the body uses fat to produce ketones, which are small molecules used for energy.

in short, an essential benefit of the slimfast keto diet plan is that your body will burn its own stored fat to power you. the results of a long-term ketogenic diet are unknown.

details on slimfast keto and weight loss

an important aspect to understand about this keto diet plan is that dieters replace two daily meals with slimfast products, including shakes, bars, or cookies, to reduce hunger and maintain the metabolic rate at a higher level.

for optimal weight loss, the slimfast diet strongly advises dieters to avoid sweetened beverages and sweets in general. slimfast keto results depend on keeping sugar and carbs to a minimum.

weight loss is more likely to occur when dieters keep themselves in a ketogenic state. sugars or excessive carbohydrates will make the body “switch over” from burning fat to burning the carbs in food. this will cause weight loss to slow down, or more likely, reverse, so you gain weight.


how to use slimfast keto

slimfast keto products can be used individually on an as-needed basis by dieters wanting an occasional low-carbohydrate snack or meal replacement shake. additionally, slimfast products can form an essential part of an overall health program.

one to two meals a day can be replaced with slimfast shakes, bars, or snacks. the final meal of the day can follow recipes or suggestions on the slimfast keto diet program. ideally, the meal should be higher in healthy fats, adequate in protein, and low in carbohydrates.


how much does slimfast keto cost?

as per the official slimfast website, the prices as of may 2022 are as follows:

  • slimfast keto fat bomb snack cups from $13.99
  • slimfast keto fat bomb meal bars from $13.99
  • slimfast keto meal shakes to go from $13.99
  • slimfast keto fat bomb real cheddar cheese crisp from $13.99
  • slimfast keto fat bomb snack mixes from $13.99
  • slimfast keto shake mixes from $19.99
  • slimfast keto fat bomb strawberry topped cheesecake mini snack bar from $13.99
  • slimfast keto fat bomb dark chocolate almond snack square from $13.99
  • slimfast keto mct oil from $13.99
  • slimfast keto ketone test strips from $12.99
  • slimfast keto 14-day starter kit $92.99
  • slimfast keto together starter kit $229.99
  • slimfast keto fat bomb white & dark chocolate peppermint snack square from $13.99
  • slimfast keto fat bomb white chocolate pumpkin spice snack cup from $13.99
  • slimfast keto quick start weight loss 7-day starter kit $47.99
  • slimfast keto stuffed fat bomb bundle $49.96
  • slimfast keto fat bomb stuffed snack cups from $13.99

you get to save 12% if you sign up for auto delivery.

side effects

potential slimfast keto side effects

potential slimfast keto side effects can vary. medical news today points out that especially if dieters are new to ketosis, they may experience sluggishness, constipation, or low blood sugar.

other keto dieters experience what is known as “keto flu,” a general feeling of lowered energy as your body adjusts from burning carbs to burning fat. keto flu is treatable by drinking water with electrolytes.

pros & cons

slimfast keto pros and cons

slimfast keto products, if used as part of an overall health management program and regular exercise, may help dieters lose weight. weight loss in a low-carbohydrate plan usually happens quickly before some degree of plateauing or tapering.

one downside to the slimfast program may be the limited number of products available through the slimfast keto line. as harvard university states, a low-carbohydrate diet can be challenging to stick to in the long run. lack of food variety may cause dieters to lose interest.

what users are saying

what users are saying

“slim fast line of keto snacks is amazing. my experience has been less than positive with “diet snacks”. the unpleasant cardboard taste. not this one. tastes like real food. no nasty aftertaste. i have bought other snack products as well from slim fast and have never been disappointed.”

“i tried this hoping i could use it for weight loss but the only weight lost was water weight because of the terrible diarrhea it gave me. i gave it a week to try but the diarrhea only got worse. whatever is in the regular slimfast that gives me diarrhea was compounded in this keto version. i hadn’t realized keto was just vegetables, many of which i am allergic to. so no more keto for me and no more of this version of slimfast.”

“these shakes are delicious and full of vitamins (because they’re technically meal replacements). these things are super high in fat, these are for the keto diet only, unless you want to take in 70% of your daily saturated fat in the form of only 180 calories.”

bottom line

bottom line on slimfast keto

the slimfast keto line claims that dieters can lose weight with a minimal amount of hunger pangs or cravings by using slimfast keto products as part of an overall weight management plan in combination with exercise.

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slimfast keto review
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slimfast keto

what is the slimfast keto line?

the slimfast keto line provides products for consumers on a high-fat, low-sugar, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet.

can i lose weight with slimfast keto?

yes, many people have had success losing weight with slimfast keto. this low-carb diet plan features snack bars and shakes that are high in fat and protein, making them perfect for a weight loss diet. they also provide delicious meal replacement options that are keto-friendly and make it easy to stay on track with your diet. additionally, users report that the slimfast keto products taste great and give them the energy they need to power through their day!

what are the slimfast keto ingredients?

mct oil blend, protein blends, cocoa, erythritol, grass-fed collagen peptides.

are there slimfast keto side effects to know about?

side effects of slimfast keto are possible tiredness, constipation, and a lowered sugar level.

is slimfast keto safe?

this product is generally considered safe for men and non-pregnant women over 18.

where can i buy slimfast keto?

slimfast keto can be purchased using their official site.

where can i buy slimfast keto?

slimfast keto is available with online shopping, such as amazon, or most health and supplement stores.

is there a slimfast keto free trial or free samples?

currently, free trials or samples are unavailable.

what is the most common slimfast keto complaint?

there are a limited amount of products available.

what are some similar products to slimfast keto?
truketo, and kara keto burn are similar products to slimfast keto.
are slimfast fat bombs keto?

the slimfast fat bombs are keto-friendly.

how many carbs are in slimfast keto?

the amount of carbs in slimfast keto products will depend on what you choose to consume and in what flavor. for example, the slimfast keto meal replacement mix in cake batter contains 4 grams of net carbs.

is slimfast keto actually keto?

slimfast keto says it is a good choice for ketogenic diet followers as their products are low-carb and easy to use.

what benefits does slimfast claim their low-carbohydrate diet plan provides?

slimfast claims that following their low-carbohydrate diet plan will provide some benefits, including rapid fat burning, hunger suppression, and the ability to eat foods like bacon and steak.

how does the slimfast keto diet plan claim to reduce hunger?

the slimfast keto diet plan claims to reduce hunger pangs by suppressing hunger hormones and allowing dieters to eat satisfying foods like steak.

what results can be expected from the slimfast keto diet plan?

slimfast keto results will vary. the products function to put dieters in a state of ketosis, in which the body uses fat to produce ketones, which are small molecules used for energy.

70 slimfast keto reviews

  • ann (verified purchase)

    my recent purchase of keto bars at walmart have been difficult to eat due to them being very hard, threw out 2 boxes. they are dated june 2020, so what is wrong.

  • pre-mixed causes stomach pain
    sarah (verified purchase)

    i’ve been using the powder for months with no issues. i bough the premixed ones (pack of 4) and just drank my first shake and my stomach is burning and hurts so bad. i’ve never had issues like this with a protein shake.

  • stomach pains and cramping
    shannon (verified purchase)

    i have done many diets before and have a “stomach of steel”-rarely get sick. i am not sure what is in these shakes, but after trying two different flavors (vanilla, chocolate, and one fat bomb), i had severe abdominal cramping and diarrhea for two days. i have done keto before, and i have never experienced like this before. very disappointed. i will not be drinking and/or eating these again. the meal bars are the only thing that has not affected my stomach, but the taste is not too good. i would not recommend the shakes or fat bombs.

  • vomiting and nausea
    paris (verified purchase)

    i drank these shakes and the next morning when i woke up. i was feeling nausea and started vomiting.

    it has a great taste but it does make you nauseous.

  • powder mix vs shakes.
    jennie bezick (verified purchase)

    the ready shakes make me physically sick. horrible stomach cramps. sweating. plus they taste horrible. however the powder mix does not make me sick and tastes yummy. wonder what the difference in ingredients is between the 2.

  • i'm happy with the products
    stacey (verified purchase)

    i like all of the slimfast keto products that i’ve tried so far. i’ve tried the shakes, bars and fat bombs. however. the shakes do make me feel a bit “strange” for about an hour after i drink them. overall, i’m happy with the products. the program is working for me. i’ve lost 5 pounds in two weeks.

  • tried a few time bad reaction
    sandi (verified purchase)

    shake taste good but gave me stomach pain, gas,cramps and diarrhea.

  • avoid the shakes unless you want to hurt
    abs (verified purchase)

    i had the exact same immediate stomach pain, wasnt sure if i was going to go north or south with it. i will not be finishing the product. thought the first day was a fluke, took another one the second day – same thing like within moments of drinking it. stay way from this, not sure what is going on with this. and i agree i think the 1 “net” carb is fooling and this product isn’t true keto

  • bad after taste
    helen (verified purchase)

    i just tried the fudge brownie batter shake this morning. it is awful! it left such a horrible aftertaste that i couldn’t even finish the whole shake! not even going to try the fat bombs. everything is going back to walmart and, hopefully, i can get a refund.

  • these made me so sick
    k (verified purchase)

    i have an iron stomach. i can eat almost anything. having said that, these shakes have made me so sick i can’t even explain it. two days in a row after drinking the shake, immediate flushing and hot feeling, stomach cramps and burning. i feel like i’m going to lose it out of one end or the other. this is a horrible feeling. never experienced anything like it. avoid. avoid. avoid.

    • cj

      same thing for me, i don’t know what it is because i was previously drinking “bulletproof coffee” (mct oil + natural butter) every morning without the same feeling. i think it’s the whey for me, i don’t know. the bars and fat bomb snacks are fine but the shakes give me the same result. i’ll be trashing them and going back to my coffee in the morning.

    • nic

      same thing happened to me! the first day i just thought i was sick. the second day i got the same feeling immediately following the shake. i got a burning sensation in my stomach and felt completely nauseous.

      • melanie

        same!!! i have tried it on multiple occasions and it makes me sick as hell everytime!

        • anonymous

          same here. got the runs within an hour

    • david palmer

      yes me to it is the mct oil to much for me my wife has no problem with it!

    • tammy duncan

      same for me!!!!! i was at work and thought what am i going to do? how embarrassing!!!!!😱

    • anonymous

      same thing happened to me today. i am fine with the bars but got stomach pain and cramping immediately while drinking the shake. i hurt so bad i considered going to the er.

      • kimb

        same here. i feel like i am dying.

    • brandi

      i have an iron stomach as well. i’ve bought the shake mix before that you mix with water and had no problem with it! the cake batter kind was really good! but recently i bought the bottled shakes and immediately after my stomach was on fire. i’m glad i’m not the only one. i was starting to freak out!

    • yvette

      same here. i drank the shake the fist time and immediately got serious stomach cramps and thought i was getting sick. so after a few days i drank the second shake and had the exact same reaction almost immediately after consuming it. i will never drink there’s again. i feel absolutely miserable. i wonder what is making us all sick and the 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 should put a warning label!!

      • stephany f

        same, tried d one two days ago and instantly regretted it but thought it was a fluke. just drank one a few minutes ago, stomach instantly started hurting again and now i’m on the toilet with major cramps for the second time with these shakes ughhh the rest of these are going in the trash. i don’t care if they work or not, stomach pain is not in my diet plan.

    • robin

      yes i had exactly he same issue

      • anonymous

        i had the same problem too . it was so uncomfortable immediately after drinking the shake and i got sweaty and felt like o was going to pass out with the stomach cramping

    • anonymous

      same !!!

    • louise

      i got the runs in 10minutes! my stomach is hurting… never again. something in it is not working for me.

  • sick 🤢
    robin (verified purchase)

    no wonder it says it curbs appetite for 4 hours… i’ve been nauseous and sick to my stomach ever since i drank the shake! will not be trying it again!

    • patricia

      me too!! i couldn’t figure out why it was making me so sick!! i’ve been on a keto diet for months and nothing has ever made me feel this bad!!! i’m done it!!!

  • sick 🤢
    anonymous (verified purchase)

    no wonder it says it curbs appetite for 4 hours… i’ve been nauseous and sick to my stomach ever since i drank the shake! will not be trying it again!

    • diana

      me too!!! i’m on the loo right now!
      nauseous as hell and sick to my stomach! i mistaking my thought it was something else the other day so i didn’t think anything of it when i drank a half a bottle today. goodness gracious!!! i hate nausea! i hope it goes away soon!🤢🤮maybe if i throw up soon???

  • instant stomach pain and cramping!
    shelly mcdonald (verified purchase)

    i had instant pain and cramping when it hit my stomach. day one i chalked it up as a fluke… when it occurred the second day, i did not finish the bottle and will not be drinking the other two… what a waste of money.

    • tammy

      me too!!!!! exactly the same!!!! my tummy hurt every time!!! horrible! for a long time after why!

    • stephanie white

      i also get stomach pains immediately. i love the shake taste and it makes me sad. i wish this product didnt do this to me. i’ve tried 3 different times with the same effect each time. 🙁

      • anonymous

        luis – we get it. thanks for cut and pasting the same exact thing in every reply.

    • dian

      exactly same. i thought it as my imagination after first bottle. i waited a week and tried again. i only drank 1/2 and my stomach was cramping and i felt like i could have the runs but didn’t. the cramping was immediate. never again.

  • never ever again!
    lakeisha burse

    never ever again!

  • i drank the keto slim fast and immediately my stomach started to burn, cramp and just sick. i was in the bathroom all day with diarrhea! i was sick! i thought maybe my body had to get adjusted to it so i took it like crazy person again the next day. the same thing happened except it was worse! i normally drink the advanced slim fast so i stopped drinking the keto silm fast and went back to the adavanced slim fast and i have no problems!!! i do not recommend slim fast keto!!!
    lakeisha burse (verified purchase)

    burning, cramping, and simply sick!!!

    • tammy

      same but not the last because i hv constipation im sure but i drink the others never a problem either!

    • anonymous

      omg. so happy i found this. exact same thing happened to me 3 says in a row and the only constant was this shake. immediately after drinking horrible stomach pain, sweating and immediate diarrhea!!!!

      • lorraine

        me too. horrible stomach pain, sweating and weakness. had to rest until the feelings passed.

  • cramping and pain
    katherine lostritto (verified purchase)

    i drank the keto shake about an hour ago and have cramping and used the restroom. i’ve been keto for about a year and a half, use one tablespoon mct oil daily in my coffee, and am used to the keto diet. no clue why i feel so bad…

    • lakeisha burse

      i am so glad to read that others experienced this problem too. something is not right. i drank the vanilla cream and it tasted great but it went horribly wrong in my stomach!

      • brenda brennan

        i’ve tried the keto shakes twice and ended up with horrible burning and terrible nausea. would love to know why so many of us have this problem!

    • lauren

      i have just started using the slimfast keto products and i haven’t had any problems until today. i tried one of the shakes and ended up with stomach issues and threw up. i think (but can’t find a true ingredient list) they’ve put cayenne pepper in the shakes. this is my thoughts because i’m not able to eat spicy foods without having to throw up due to acid reflux (i think). when i got sick from the shake, not to be gross, but it was like there was a lot of cayenne pepper there and left my mouth burning like i’d had spicy food. just a thought, but maybe they’ve put too much cayenne pepper into the shakes?

  • sandra

    why do the shakes hurt my stomach immediately after drinking?

    • cj

      luis – we get it. you can stop saying that to every single person. why post a review section if you’re going to make the same snarky reply to everyone?

      • cj

        my point is that you don’t have to keep saying the same thing to each person. or even responding to them at all. no one is asking you to give anyone any advice. it’s a review section, not a q&a section. it literally says “reviews” right above the section. but anyway, the first 2-3 times got the point across just fine.

    • kelly

      has anyone after a few days had the pain go away? is it like the fats abusing to ur body or?? i thought they tasted so damn good, this sucks but anyone have any other keto meal replacement drinks? not powders but something already ready like this? if so please lmk

  • never again
    dana (verified purchase)

    i tried keto shakes after a few sips my stomach was burning. will not use again.

    • christi

      i had the burning too. was wondering if it’s because i’ve had diverticulitis in the past.

  • instant side effect. not worth it for me.
    anonymous (verified purchase)

    i tried a bomb today and 2 hours later was in the bathroom for the rest of the evening intestinally sick!
    never again!

    • abigail

      it took just 30 minutes for me and i threw up after taking the slimfast keto shake this morning. of course i didn’t see this long thread of complaints until after the fact. will be returning the rest of the package back to the store. not worth the trouble for me.

  • nutritive sweetener?

    nutritive sweetener? is that safe for keto? no artificial sweeteners should be used while on a keto diet lifestyle. is this referring to stevia?
    why does this cause constipation? mct oil and collagen cause diarrhea.

    • lauren

      i’ve tried losing weight with everything else but never could. i’ve finally lost 10 pounds in my first 3 weeks of using these keto products.

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