weight loss supplements reviews

medically reviewed by anthony dugarte m.d.

weight loss supplements

in the united states, obesity has become a serious issue. over one-third of all adults in the u.s are obese.

it has been shown that obesity can lead to serious health issues and risks that can shorten the lifespan of those with this issue.

those who have obesity also face higher costs for medical related issues. this has made it important for many americans to take steps to reduce their weight to live a healthier life.

losing weight can be a difficult challenge for many people. the goal is to eat fewer calories than they burn in a day.

this can often be accomplished by decreasing their caloric intake by eating less food.

unfortunately, this can be difficult for many people. they can often feel hungry and have a difficult time resisting the urge to eat more.

they may also feel tired and have troubles maintaining their normal exercise routine.

there are weight loss supplements that may be able to help with these issues.

the question is weight loss supplements do they work?

what are weight loss supplements?

a weight loss supplement is often a non-prescription pill or additive that one can take to aid with weight loss.

these supplements often contain ingredients that are reported to help a person by performing one or more actions that help with weight loss.

some of the more common weight loss supplements claim to increase energy, increase fullness, or increase water elimination.

there are also types that claim to stop fat absorption, modulate carbohydrate metabolism, or reduce fat synthesis.

most supplements claim to provide one or more of these benefits to those wishing to lose weight fast. [1]

popular weight loss supplements articles

increased energy supplements

most people realize that they must increase the number of calories they burn each day to achieve their weight loss goals.

however, many people, especially those with obesity, may find it difficult to have the energy they need to exercise regularly.

in addition, major changes in their diet may also decrease their energy, at least temporarily, until their body adjusts.

this can often lead many of these people to use weight loss supplement pills that promise to give them more energy.

energy providing weight loss supplement ingredients often include one or more of certain common substances.

these can include ephedra, bitter orange, country mallow, and caffeine.


ephedra is a substance created from the plant ephedra sinica. it may be listed as ephedra, chinese ephedra, or ma huang in the ingredients of various types of supplements that offer an energy boost.

these are weight loss supplement banned by fda that contain ephedrine alkaloids.

there are certain risks associated with the use of this substance.

ephedra has been shown to assist with short-term weight loss but has not shown effectiveness for long-term results.

ephedra has been associated with stroke and may increase blood sugar levels.

common side-effects associated with ephedra are:

  • anxiety
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • headache
  • nausea
  • restlessness
  • sleep problems

women should avoid these types of weight loss supplements during breastfeeding and pregnancy. [2]

bitter orange

bitter orange is a type of weight loss supplement ingredient that is native to eastern africa and tropical asia.

it contains synephrine with is similar to the main chemical in ephedra.

although ephedra containing weight loss supplement banned by fda, bitter orange is not.

however, the similarities in the chemicals may suggest similar risks to those taking bitter orange.

although there have been some reports of fainting and cardiovascular issue, there is not enough evidence or testing to give a conclusive assessment of this substance.

however, since there is a potential for risk, taking these weight loss supplements during breastfeeding or pregnancy should be avoided. [3]

country mallow

country mallow, or sida cordofolia, is another natural herb purported to help with energy for those seeking help with weight loss.

however, this botanical source does contain ephedrine alkaloids and may possess weight loss supplement dangers similar to those found in ephedra products.

this can give the user the energy boost needed to get through a day’s exercise routine. further studies of this substance have shown that it may lower heart rate and blood pressure.

it has also been shown to lower blood glucose levels in users.

this also suggests that it may be able to lower the storage of fat in fat cells. [4]


caffeine is a common substance found in many foods and beverages consumed daily.

most people already understand the side-effects that can occur from taking in too much caffeine, such as nervousness and tremors.

caffeine has been proven to give a person a boost of energy.

however, one should take caution when using weight loss supplement pills that contain large amounts of caffeine.

unfortunately, not all supplements are clear on the amount of caffeine in them.

in addition, some people with certain conditions may be more susceptible to caffeine toxicity.

although caffeine is relatively safe, there is a small difference between safe and toxic amounts. [5]

appetite suppressing weight loss supplements

for many people, weight loss can be difficult due to strong feelings of hunger. decreasing caloric intake can be hard for them due to this problem.

fortunately, there are various types of weight loss supplement shakes, drinks, and pills that can help with feeling full and suppress feelings of hunger.

guar gum, psyllium, and glucomannan are common ingredients used for appetite suppression.

guar gum

guar gum is a substance that has thickening properties derived from guar beans.

guar gum is a water soluble fiber that can create a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

since it draws water to aid in digestion, it can sustain the fullness for longer periods than normal food products.

this can help a person feel fuller and have fewer cravings.

unfortunately, many people do not take in the necessary amount of water for guar gum to be safe for consumption.

this has posed risks of esophageal blockages and prompted a recall of many over-the-counter weight loss supplements by the fda.


psyllium is also a water-soluble fiber that works in the same basic manner as guar gum does.

psyllium is a great source of dietary fiber and can have many benefits for obese people.

however, little results have been shown to help aid weight loss due to fullness caused by the fiber.

the benefits found is that psyllium can improve glucose and lipid levels when taken regularly. this can make it the ideal weight loss supplements for diabetics.


glucomannan is considered a dietary fiber but is a water-soluble polysaccharide.

it has been shown to provide a modest weight loss when taken in tolerated amounts.

however, like guar gum, it has serious risks if not taken with enough water.

reports of esophageal and intestinal blockages have been reported. it is also important that such products not be taken immediately before bed to ensure enough fluids. [1]

diuretic weight loss supplements

fat cells are often mostly comprised of water.

also, many people with weight issues also retain a lot of water in their tissues.

water eliminating supplements and diuretics are thought to help remove this excess water to help reduce weight in patients with such issues.


dandelion, or taraxacum officinale, is a common weed found in most temperate areas around the world.

it is often used in teas, foods and medicinal products. dandelion is also used in various weight loss supplement drinks.

it can be useful as a diuretic, as well as a laxative to eliminate water from the body.

however, it can cause an increase in appetite that can be counter-indicative of a weight loss supplement program.

diuretics and laxatives are commonly used for weight loss.

however, they can pose serious risks of their own.

they can both cause issues with dehydration that can be fatal if not treated immediately.

laxatives can also have serious effects on the digestive system.

these products should be used on a short-term basis or under the supervision of a doctor. [1]

fat blockers

there are some types of supplements that can block the fat from being absorbed into the digestive system.

this can be very beneficial in losing weight and can help prevent weight gain when a proper diet is not always followed.

however, it is always a better option to eat a proper diet low in fats.


one type of fat blocking supplements is one of the weight loss supplements approved by fda.

orlistat is the over-the-counter supplement that can provide a potent and selective inhibitor of certain types of enzymes that digest fat.

without this digestion, these fats cannot be absorbed into the body. it also shows no significant disturbances in the processes of the digestive tract.

there is, however, some question of liver problems with orlistat.

the fda has implemented a warning on these products to alert users of the potential for issues and to watch for signs of jaundice or liver problems.

although no significant evidence has been found that orlistat caused these issues, there is some alarming correlation. [6] [7]

goal-specific weight loss supplements

there are specific weight loss supplements that can be beneficial to certain categories of people.

for example, supplements specifically designed for those of a certain age group can be combined with nutrients that may benefit that specific age range.

they can also be specifically designed to benefit those with certain types of medical issues that can make losing weight difficult.

weight loss for older adults

there are weight loss supplements over 40 that can help by focusing on common deficiencies in those above the age of 40 years old.

for many, after reaching this age, they may not be getting enough calcium in their diet.

the weight loss supplements over 40 can add additional calcium and vitamin d to ensure proper amounts in their diet.

it has been shown that the right amounts of dietary calcium can help reduce instances of obesity.

it also plays a major role in reducing high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems with older adults.

by increasing calcium intake, fat decreases.

it has also been shown that thermogenesis occurs which suggests higher energy levels. this could help increase weight loss in older people.

the weight loss supplements over 50 may also include calcium and vitamin d, as well as other dietary supplements that can assist with the changes their body may encounter during older age.

the weight loss supplements over 50 could also contain supplements beneficial to joint health to help ensure a more active life and increase weight loss. [8]

weight loss supplements for women

there are specific needs that women who wish to lose weight need to help ensure healthy weight loss without further complications.

it has been found that women with obesity have a great chance of losing bone density when they lose weight.

also, there are various issues specific to women that can promote weight gain in the first place.

by using weight loss supplements for women, they can be assured to get the vitamins and minerals needed to support health. [9]

there is also a weight loss supplement for menopause that can help women lose weight during and after menopause.

as a woman enters menopause, her production of estrogen decreases.

there are natural methods for restoring estrogen that can have fewer side-effects than standard hormone replacement therapies.

the weight loss supplement for menopause can offer plant estrogens that can ease the symptoms of menopause while helping with weight loss. [10]

weight loss supplements for men

just as there are supplements for women, there are weight loss supplements for men that can supply specific options to support the health of men and help them lose weight.

there are weight loss supplement programs that can be beneficial to men who have lower levels of testosterone.

lower testosterone levels can cause men to gain weight and lose muscle mass.

natural supplements containing dhea can help increase testosterone levels to help lose weight.

in addition to supporting those with low testosterone, weight loss supplement bodybuilding may also contain dhea to help increase muscle mass in men trying to lose weight.

increased testosterone has been shown to create more dense, fat-free muscle.

these weight loss supplement bodybuilding can help a man lose weight while building muscle mass and creating their ideal body.

for those trying to build body mass and get a more bodybuilder’s physique, a weight loss supplement stack is often used.

a weight loss supplement stack is a selection of specific supplements used to create the perfect weight loss supplement programs to produce the best results for a person’s body type.

those wishing to reach specific bodybuilding goals can often find a weight loss supplement that works for their particular needs and then add them with protein-based weight loss supplement shakes or weight loss supplement drinks that provide the needed nutrients to burn fat and build muscle.

many of these stack supplements use caffeine or other stimulants.

however, it may be a better idea to choose weight loss supplements no stimulants to ensure a more natural and safe workout.

since caffeine and stimulants can cause anxiety and nervousness, a weight loss supplement without caffeine may be the best choice. [11]

weight loss supplements for specific ailments

there are various types of illnesses and issues that can make it difficult for some to lose weight.

they can even cause weight gain. it is important to find supplements that can support these issues and provide the needed nutrients to ensure health throughout the weight loss program.

there is weight loss supplement that works for a variety of issues.

however, it is important to find the right weight loss supplement plan that will support the needs of the individual.

it may be beneficial to speak with a doctor concerning the specific needs of the issue or problem.

weight loss supplements for diabetics

diabetes can be a difficult disease for many to manage.

one of the most important steps any diabetic should take is to begin a plan to lose weight.

fortunately, there are various types of weight loss supplements for diabetics that can provide natural options to help lose weight and process glucose properly.

a controlled release combination of phentermine and topiramate has been approved by the fda to help with weight loss in diabetic patients.

it has been shown to give a diabetic person significant weight loss results while helping to keep glucose levels within a proper range. it has also been shown to help with blood pressure and cholesterol rates. [12]

weight loss supplement for hypothyroidism

hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid cannot make enough thyroid hormone to keep the body functioning normally.

this can lead to weight gain and other issues. a weight loss supplement for hypothyroidism offers options to help ease the issues with this condition.

for some people with hypothyroidism, it is due to an iodine deficiency. these supplements can provide iodine that can help the thyroid gland work properly. [13]

safe and effective weight loss supplements

there are many products available that offer weight loss supplements that work fast.

however, it is healthier and safer to maintain a steady weight loss over several months.

goals should be set according to the person’s starting weight. a person should plan to lose between 5 and 10 percent of their body mass over a six month period.

the weight loss supplement that works fast may perform well.

however, they could be dangerous to the body.

also, they may also set a person up for failure.

weight loss should be a lifestyle change. using products that promise unrealistic goals can start a yo-yo effect of weight loss and weight gain.

it is important to avoid gimmicks and hype when attempting to lose weight.

there is weight loss supplement for belly fat that promises to rid a person of the troublesome weight in the middle.

however, weight loss supplement for belly fat usually does not work because supplements are not specific to one body part.

it is also important to use weight loss supplement without caffeine and weight loss supplements no stimulants, especially if the person is at risk for various cardiovascular issues. [14]

final thoughts on weight loss supplements

when starting any diet or weight loss supplement plan, it is always best to visit a doctor.

the doctor can help a person find the best options that work best for their health and body type.

they may also be able to help find the best weight loss supplement that works, as well as the weight loss supplement that works fast.

they can even guide a person to only the weight loss supplements approved by fda.

this can help a person avoid many of the weight loss supplement dangers that can be found in some types.

losing weight can help a person look and feel better.

it can also help improve their health and reduce various health risks and diseases.

choosing the right weight loss supplement that works fast can help a person get where they want to be.

however, it is important to choose weight loss supplement ingredients with weight loss supplements evidence-based results.

finding the right weight loss supplement brands can help ensure results of the weight loss supplements evidence-based.

before choosing the most popular weight loss supplement brands, it is important to ask weight loss supplements do they work?

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