roxanne moore, ms, rdn, pmpmedical content editor

roxanne moore is a registered dietitian nutritionist and national director of health and wellness with k12 schools. roxanne has over 25 years of expertise in nutrition education, medical nutrition therapy counseling, project management and regulatory management of child nutrition programs. she is also a leader in public speaking and a former spokesperson for the academy of nutrition and dietetics.

her media expertise is extensive and has included live television, as well as print publications such as redbook, southwest airlines, mens health and readers digest. in a similar role roxanne has produced and hosted a weekly radio show entitled nutrition matters through voice america radio. she has also created and produced over 50 educational videos on healthy eating, sports nutrition, kids cooking and stem education.

as a former administrator of the usda child nutrition programs for both the maryland state department of education and the army, roxanne maintains an in-depth knowledge of governmental policy, as well as an understanding of how to successfully implement child nutrition programs in schools.

throughout her career she has maintained a passion for health and wellness and disease prevention to help prevent illness. as part of her background, roxanne was a professor in the department of kinesiology at towson university, while also serving in a consulting role as the sports nutritionist for all athletic teams on campus. as a sports nutritionist she has provided guidance to recreational and professional athletes, including nfl football players and sailors in the around the world volvo ocean race.

roxanne is certified as a child and adolescent obesity counselor and is a member of the sports cardiovascular and wellness nutritionists dietetic practice group of the academy of nutrition and dietetics. roxanne also serves as an advisory board member to share our strength’s cooking matters program and board chair for the girls on the run program, a program that inspires girls to take charge of their life through learning important life skills, such as healthy eating and exercise.

in her spare time, roxanne stays active with her husband, 2 daughters and 2 dogs. she has competed in her favorite sport, mountain biking, but also enjoys kayaking, road biking, hiking, running, traveling and landscaping.

diet & weight-loss articles reviewed by roxanne for dietspotlight include: