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nuez dela india review - 16 things you need to know

nuez dela india is a nut that grows abundantly in tropical climates such as mexico, hawaii, and the virgin islands. these nuts are also known as indian walnuts and candlenuts. these nuts are now sold by developers in an encapsulated form, with a guarantee that the supplement will cause metabolism boosts and increased fat burning.

while the nutritional value of the nuez dela india nut is not often questioned, manufacturers of the nut supplement may be misinforming buyers about the nutritional value of the dietary supplement.

because foods tend to lose nutritional value with age and excessive handling, its likely that the nutritional value of this supplement is significantly decreased. our research team thoroughly reviewed the ingredients as they exist in the capsule to test for effectiveness. this is what we found.

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what is nuez dela india?

nuez dela india is a nut indigenous to tropical climates such as hawaii, south america, india, and the philippines. cultivated across the tropical world, this nut has numerous local names, including candlenut, buah kera, indian walnut, or kukui nut.

although the nut has several names, most american varieties arrive imported from south american countries like colombia or brazil. this is the reason that when purchasing the product in america, you are most likely to find versions labeled nuez dela india (spanish for “cashew from india”). nuez dela india has been used for centuries in cuisine or as an additive to cosmetics. it also relieves constipation. according to the u.s. national library of medicine, it helps heal insect bites, sores, chapped lips, and open wounds. with the rise of online shopping, you can now buy nuez dela india in seed or capsule form.

you can boil the seeds with water to make hot tea, take a powdered capsule as a health supplement, or purchase the product as an oil (often called “kukui nut oil”). recently, some companies have claimed that nuez dela india naturally boosts metabolism and helps burn body fat. also, product enthusiasts claim that the properties of nuez dela india can help lower cholesterol.

using nuez dela india, specifically as a weight-loss regimen, is also known as the candlenut diet. while the idea of an all-natural pill or tea that can help you lose weight sounds appealing, it is understandable that many westerners may have reservations about the product. since this product is relatively unknown outside of the tropics, it is crucial to get a good overview before ingesting a foreign plant. a look at the essential features of nuez dela india can help you decide if these products are right for you.

  • current medicinal chemistry – the nut contains phyto- or plant sterols. research has shown, “the anti-inflammatory effects induced by plant sterols/stanols have been demonstrated in in vitro studies and in experimental animal models.” however, in clinical practice in humans, the effect is not as supported by science.
  • reproductive biology and endocrinology – aspartic acid is an amino acid that regulates the release of hormones and neurotransmitters.
  • international journal of food sciences and nutrition – stevia is nothing more than an all-natural sweetener. it doesn’t have an impact on weight loss, other than the reduction in calories if a product removes sugar and replaces that carbohydrate with stevia.

products similar to nuez dela india

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nuez dela india ingredients

because the nut itself is the fruit of the aleurites moluccanus or aleurites moluccana plant, the raw nut may not have an “ingredients” label. it is very important, however, to understand the significant nutrition facts. the nuez dela india nutrition facts are as follows:

  • total (unsaturated) fat – 50 g
  • sodium – 14 mg
  • potassium – 876 mg
  • protein – 17.1 g
  • phytosterols

phytosterols are plant compounds that emulate hdl “good” cholesterol within the body, according to research shared in abc cardiol. when cell membranes absorb phytosterols to capacity, the body blocks any further absorption of cholesterol from food, the research suggests. for this reason, fans of nuez dela india believe that this product can help lower cholesterol levels in the body.

glutamic acid

this amino acid is believed to boost metabolism, according to the journal of cell communication and signaling. everyday consumers may be more familiar with the sodium salt component of glutamic acid (commonly known as “msg”). because glutamic acid may also enhance flavor in food and supplements, some restaurants and health food companies frequently add msg to their products.

aspartic acid

this amino acid helps every cell in the body perform important functions, according to plos one. while supplement enthusiasts argue that this makes nuez dela india worth taking, it is important to note that aspartic acid is a non-essential amino acid (meaning the body produces it even if you do not get it from food or supplements).

according to reproductive biology and endocrinology, aspartic acid plays an important role when it comes to the body’s hormones.

if you purchase pills from several nuez dela india brands, you should understand that these pills have important additives that can alter any “all-natural” claims. the standard ingredients for nuez dela india pills include the following:

di-calcium phosphate

a food additive used to thicken food and also doubles as a preservative. this supplement can improve your calcium and phosphorus intake, but too much can contribute to kidney stones.

this ingredient can play an important role in mineral and bone metabolism, per research published in nutrition journal.


stevia is a commercial sweetener derived from the stevia rebaudiana plant, according to nutrition today. in the united states, companies can use the plant’s glycoside (pure) extracts as a sugar substitute. however, since nuez dela india supplements are foreign products, there is no way to confirm whether these pills contain the more controversial stevia leaf or crude extracts.

magnesium stearate

magnesium stearate is a compound used as a lubricant in pills and capsules. as a natural soap, it does not dissolve readily in water, so it is safe to consume in only small or moderate amounts.

aleurites moluccana

depending on the brand, nuez dela india (aleurites moluccana) may be only one ingredient among other additives and fillers.

osf pomegranate natural flavor

natural flavoring used for its high polyphenol content. this ingredient typically reduces the otherwise bitter taste of the supplement.

microcrystalline cellulose

a refined pulp used as an emulsifier and bulking agent for this capsule.

does nuez dela india work?

nuez dela india traditionally works as a food ingredient or beauty treatment. the nut is so popular as a traditional ingredient that its the official state tree of hawaii. as a whole food, nuez dela india is a thickening or roasting ingredient in recipes like south indian curry, malaysian curry, siamese fried noodles, indonesian dessert soup, or hawaiian pork shoulder. nuez dela india has also worked in cosmetic and beauty treatments as an emollient and moisturizer for centuries. you may find the product listed as kukui or kukui nut oil in its cosmetic form.

in oil form, nuez dela india may work as a hair conditioner, but there is not enough evidence to prove that it causes hair growth. nuez dela india may also work in unconventional ways. for example, the nickname “candlenut” comes from the fact that early hawaiian explorers used nuez dela india as a candle (since its high oil content ensured that the candle would last throughout the night).

native hawaiians have also used the nut as a laxative, prompting supplement companies to use it as an ingredient in products designed to relieve constipation. in addition to history and trivia, promising medical research also answers the question, “does the product work?” for example, organic nuez dela india may help lower cholesterol due to its high phytosterol content. however, there is currently not enough direct evidence that the nut (or its supplement form) boosts metabolism or causes fat loss.

benefits & results

nuez dela india benefits and results

the key nuez dela india benefits include high oil content and high phytosterol content. organic nuez dela india plants are about 40 percent oil and rich in amino acids. like olives and macadamia nuts, nuez dela india contains oleic oils that supply healthy protein, unsaturated fat, potassium, and magnesium. also, most reviews praise nuez dela india as an essential ingredient for making south indian and south pacific food taste more authentic.

suppose you are interested in perfecting your curry recipe or learning about indonesian or malaysian cuisine. in that case, reviewing and familiarizing yourself with how to use raw nuez dela india or candlenuts is a good idea. for those who are only interested in nuez dela india pills or supplements, a significant benefit or result is that these pills act as a natural laxative.

the reason is that the plant contains potent compounds that cause digestive fluids to react quickly. as discussed, the supplements also contain phytosterols that can help prevent the body from absorbing excess cholesterol from food.

details on nuez dela india and weight loss

the primary weight-loss claims from nuez dela india companies are that the product helps lower cholesterol, accelerate the metabolism, and burn off fat deposits within the body. while scientific evidence published in lipids in health and disease has proven that products containing phytosterols can lower cholesterol, there is currently insufficient evidence to verify the metabolism or fat-burner claims. we do know that natural nuez dela india contains approximately 40 percent oil and a natural amino acid blend (oleic acid, linoleic acid, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid).

as with coconut oil and olive oil, research has shown a high occurrence of these compounds in diets of people with lower overall body fat. for this reason, some people may find it worthwhile to experiment with organic candlenut as an alternative to coconuts or olives.


how to use nuez dela india

if you have raw nuez dela india, health professionals recommend cutting the nuts into quarters and using one quarter at a time for brewing tea or preparing side dishes. those who have purchased tablets or powder, dissolve one-half of the serving size into a large cup of hot water before bedtime. similarly, any nuez dela india pills or capsules should go with a large water glass just before bed.

where to buy

where to buy nuez dela india

the easier way to buy nuez dela india is on the official website or marketplaces like amazon or ebay. if you want to purchase the raw form product, you can usually find it in south asian grocery stores. to determine where you can buy the product in pill form, you can typically find it in vitamin shops or online health-food vendors.

moving on to the topic of availability, it’s worth mentioning that you can no longer find it on amazon or ebay. this is due to an fda warning about the risks of some weight loss products that are mislabeled as nuez dela india. these products actually contain yellow oleander, which is dangerous and could be deadly if consumed. the fda’s alert highlights the need to be careful when choosing and using weight loss supplements, especially those with plant-based ingredients.


how much does nuez dela india cost?

the cost of one bottle of nuez dela india tablets is about $19.99. if you buy the nuts in raw form, they are usually available for about 9.99 usd per dozen. remember that most people cut the raw nuts in pieces and cook them before eating, so you can typically find them at an economical price to meet your needs.

product warnings

nuez dela india product warnings

as with most nut or seed products, people with nut allergies should avoid nuez dela india. while there is not much information about kukui nut allergies, the nut has a consistent potency reputation. if you have food allergies, it may be better to avoid the supplement altogether. while taking pills or drinking tea appears relatively safe, it is imperative not to consume raw nuez dela india nuts or seeds.

due to high levels of acid, these nuts are toxic in raw form. cooking the nuts or seeds breaks down these molecular compounds and makes the plant edible. there have been several documented cases of raw kukui nut poisoning. for this reason, it is best to keep nuez dela india supplements out of the reach of children.

similarly, it is vital to keep nuez dela india nuts or supplements away from pets, livestock, or the elderly. since eating raw nuts or kernels can harm mammals with weaker immune systems, it is better to avoid taking chances with these at-risk populations.

due to its high oil content and flammability, cosmetic or hair products made with nuez dela india (kukui nut oil) may not be safe for all users. until you know how the ingredient works with your body chemistry, please do not use them around hair dryers or hazardous appliances. people who work around equipment or flammable machinery should also avoid using these products to prevent injury.

if a manufacturer does not thoroughly cook the raw nut or process their supplements properly, they are responsible for the dangerous products that harm consumers. since there is no way to know whether a manufacturer has cooked nuez dela india supplements thoroughly, it may be best to either purchase them organically (and cook them yourself) or avoid pills made with the plant. you may also wish to avoid buying the supplement from countries with a history of raw candlenut poisoning.


nuez dela india toxicity

nuez dela india is considered toxic in raw form or large doses. although it is a popular medicinal plant and food item in south pacific cuisine, it also consistently ranks among poisonous plants. scientists consider nuez dela india or candlenuts “toxic” because they contain phorbol and saponin.

since this plant is an integral part of south asian cuisine, it is important to use legitimate recipes to avoid consuming toxic oils. typically, you can reduce this type of toxicity through the heat in cooking.

nuez dela india side effects

side effects

nuez dela india side effects

although fans are quick to point out that nuez dela india is a “natural” product, it does have some known side effects. you may experience adverse effects by either consuming raw nuez dela india or consuming a very potent capsule brand. because the plant naturally contains phorbol, saponin, and acids, it may affect the digestive and neurological systems. reported nuez dela india side effects include the following:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal cramps
  • fatigue and lethargy
  • body aches
  • flatulence
  • muscle spasms

nuez dela india lawsuits

because nuez dela india is imported, there are no known american lawsuits on these products. any litigation against nuez dela india supplement brands would occur in their home countries (such as argentina or brazil). however, the product has been subject to several administrative controversies in the united states.

due to pressure from consumer health groups and the u.s. department of agriculture (usda), the fda recently added nuez dela india to the national poisonous plant database. the plant has already been listed in the australian database for years to keep people from consuming raw candlenuts. the fda also accepts complaints if people suspect the use of nuez dela india as an indirect additive to their food or diet pills.

unsurprisingly, nuez dela india also encounters plenty of legal controversies abroad. the argentine national administration of medicines, food, and technology (anmat) has called for the ban nuez dela india due to the 33-year-old woman now brain-dead from taking a botched supplement. the new south wales food authority (australia) has also called for banning the product due to risks associated with eating raw or under-processed nuez dela india.

nuez dela india alternatives

fortunately, there are alternatives available for each nuez dela india form. whether you cannot find this plant or feel wary about the potential risks, you can usually substitute nuez dela india with a structurally similar product. if you are cooking with nuez dela india, whole food or nut alternatives include the following:

  • hazelnut
  • macadamia nut
  • pine nut
  • walnut

those interested in nuez dela india or kukui oil for hair or cosmetic purposes may review the following alternatives:

  • grapeseed oil
  • hempseed oil
  • avocado oil
  • almond oil
  • argan oil
  • jojoba oil

while there are numerous brands named “nuez dela india,” these companies are not always reliable. if you encounter problems with availability, you may wish to consider the following alternatives to nuez dela india pills:

  • semilla de brasil
  • pinalim te de pina
  • alipotec tejocote root
pros & cons

nuez dela india pros and cons

nuez dela india has gained popularity as a “natural” product that may lower cholesterol, speed up metabolism, and burn off belly fat.

if you are interested in exploring product work, there are several reasons that nuez dela india may be worth giving a try.


  • pure nuez dela india (aleurites moluccana) contains phytosterols that may help lower cholesterol.
  • fresh nuez dela india or candlenuts can help you prepare authentic ethnic cuisine.
  • nuez dela india or kukui oil may be beneficial to the skin and hair.


  • raw or under-processed nuez dela india nuts are toxic and can yield dangerous results.
  • there is no way to verify the safe practices of foreign companies that manufacture nuez dela india.
  • consumers must also protect themselves from fraudulent schemes and companies that sell “fake” nuez dela india.
what users are saying

what users are saying

“i have been taking it for 3 years and i really loved the results. it helps me lose weight. i love this capsule.”

“this product burns fat and accelerates metabolism.”

“finally something that works: but now it’s unavailable!!!! grrr.”

bottom line

the bottom line on nuez dela india

nuez dela india, typically used in food dishes, is a weight loss ingredient. it also is used as a stress reducer and appetite suppressant. while there are some benefits, the science is mixed on this ingredient. however, there are alternatives available.

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nuez dela india

what is nuez dela india?

nuez dela india is a nut that grows in tropical climates and is also known as indian walnuts and candlenuts.

where is nuez dela india found?

nuez dela india is found in tropical climates such as mexico, hawaii, and the virgin islands. it is also cultivated in other tropical regions such as india and the philippines.

what is the nutritional value of nuez dela india?

while the nutritional value of nuez dela india is not often questioned, manufacturers of the nut supplement may be misinforming buyers about the nutritional value of the dietary supplement. additionally, it’s likely that the nutritional value of this supplement is significantly decreased due to age and excessive handling.

how do you drink nuez dela india?

you will want to begin by crushing the nut and letting it sit in either hot tea or hot water for roughly five minutes before you drink it. as soon as you have reached your weight loss goal, you will want to continue using nuez de la india as part of your regular diet, but only one quarter of the nut is needed. you can do this three or four times each week. again, crush a quarter of the nut and the mix it with your choice of hot water or tea. remember to let it stand for about five minutes before you drink.

what are the ingredients in nuez dela india?

the ingredients are di-calcium phosphate, stevia, magnesium stearate, aleurites moluccana, osf pomegranate natural flavor and microcrystalline cellulose.

should i be cautious about consuming nuez dela india?

since nuez dela india is relatively unknown outside of the tropics, it is crucial to get a good overview before ingesting a foreign plant.

what are the side effects of nuez dela india?

some of the side effects can be headaches, nausea and some soreness in your chest, back and stomach.

what is the candlenut diet?

the candlenut diet is the use of nuez dela india as a weight-loss regimen, although there is not enough direct evidence that the nut (or its supplement form) boosts metabolism or causes fat loss.

what is the price of nuez dela india?

on the main website you can purchase the seeds in one bottle or in bulk. the more that you purchase the cheaper your overall cost will be. the price ranges from $9.99 for one bottle up to a bulk price of $79.99.

where can i buy nuez dela india?

you can purchase this weight loss supplement on the main website at www.nuez-dela-india.com.

how do i contact nuez dela india customer service?

you can call the direct manufacturing 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 at 1-888-425-1206 or email them at info@nuez-dela-india.com. if you need to mail them something the address is 4790 n. powerline rd deerfield, beach fl 33073.

however, it’s important to note that the 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 ’s online presence, including their website, appears to be inactive at this time. this could possibly be a result of the 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 shutting down following an fda warning about health risks associated with the product. given this development, reaching the 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 may be more challenging, and the effectiveness of the provided contact information may not be guaranteed. if you’re attempting to contact them due to concerns about the product or for a return, it might be prudent to explore alternative channels or seek consumer protection advice.


can i return nuez dela india?

yes, there is a return policy with the manufacturer. keep your proof of purchase and call the customer service line.

what are the most common complaints about nuez dela india?

the biggest complaint is that some say that they follow the instructions and they have not experienced any weight loss.

how long does it take to lose weight with nuez dela india?

everybody will respond to nuez dela india differently. some reviews report the ingredient can start working in 2 weeks to 2 months.

when should i take nuez dela india?

the recommended dosage of nuez dela india is two to three capsules twice a day, approximately thirty minutes before meals. for optimal results, it is best to spread out your doses and take them with plenty of water throughout the day. additionally, you may want to limit your intake of processed foods and eat more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. it is important to note that nuez dela india should not be taken in higher doses than recommended, nor should it be taken for longer than six weeks without consulting a doctor first.

can nuez dela india aid in digestion?

nuez dela india has been traditionally used to aid in digestion, but it’s essential to use it correctly and with caution due to its potent properties.

is nuez dela india suitable for everyone?

not everyone should consume nuez dela india. pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and individuals with certain health conditions should avoid it. always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

does nuez dela india interact with medications?

nuez dela india may interact with certain medications. it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it does not interfere with any medications you’re currently taking.

can nuez dela india improve skin health?

some users report improvements in skin health after using nuez dela india due to its fatty acid content, although scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

how does nuez dela india support weight loss?

proponents claim that nuez dela india helps in weight loss by suppressing appetite and enhancing fat burning. however, these claims are not widely supported by scientific research, and caution is advised due to potential side effects.

is there a best time of day to consume nuez dela india for maximum benefits?

while there’s no scientifically established best time to consume nuez dela india, some users prefer to take it at night, claiming it works more effectively. however, this should be done according to personal tolerance and preferably under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

117 nuez dela india reviews

  • mandy

    can the nut be taken in the morning instead of taking it at night?

    • yedy torres

      hi mandy,

      the product can be taken during the morning. we recommend to consult your physician to see if this is the right product for you.

    • js

      yes! i take mine in the morning, works better for me. take of the coating before crushing the seeds, swiss and swallow with warm water, i drink it coffee after 15 minutes.

  • lisa wright (verified purchase)

    i have been taking nuez for 3 months….. i have lost 8kgs. but it been a real rough, when i am not sick i feel great but any tummy bugs i have had 3 tummy bugs in 2 months man down for 3 or 4 days…. after taking it for a month my body started to ache., lying on bed hurt…. that lasted 2 weeks. now i have the flu… i’m taking multi vitamins and probiotic vitamin c….
    1. very happy with the weight loss looking fantastic
    2. lots of side affects and they are hard and nasty.
    3. tired all the time
    i am so happy i have taken it because i really battled to lose weight, was it worth it….. for me i yay yes. would i do it again…. i would do it again….
    from now i will carry on…. eat and live a healthy lifestyle because i don’t want to to be overweight again

    • beryl

      am currently using it for 4weeks now but is it normal that your body feel like it was battered…or in a car crash?

    • hayley

      so glad i read this post…. i too have been taking nut for just over 2 months. in that time i have come down with (what feels like) 3 stomach bugs. each time i have bad stomach pains, loose stool and feel flat for a few days. during these episodes i have stopped for a few days and started again.
      i dont know if i should continue or if nut is just to stimulating for my gut and system…. but i cant be man down every 3 weeks.
      i also find each time i stop and start it throws out my whole female cycle.
      it does curb my appetite, and has taken my attention and focus away from food.
      ive lost about 25cms but no weight.

  • js (verified purchase)

    works with me. i have 4 kids, now i can use again my old clothes when i was 98-100 pounds, i been taken mine since september. 2017, every morning. now that i meet my goal i take it at night time with hot peppermint tea, lemon and honey just to maintain my weight :). fyi: take off the coating because it can cause lots of headaches, trouble breathing. take banana and magnesium after 4-5 hours after taking the seeds. body aches and soreness is normal.

  • never again!!!
    desiree (verified purchase)

    i’ve used it befor and it seemed to have worked in the past but not without horrible side effects… ive started taking it again this past week. i’m as sick as a dog. my whole body aches…neck…back…headaches. i’ve been unable to get out of bed today. and i’ve been having diarea since 5 this morning.

  • works for me...
    diana (verified purchase)

    lost 18kg using nuez dela india. first month basically just detox, thereafter about 2kgs a month. walked once a week only, and did not change my eating habits. definitely works for me. the easiest weight loss “program” i have ever followed.

  • anonymous

    definitely works, i’ve been on it for 8 months and lost 16kg.

  • micah

    i have tried every possible diet pill or shake available in the south african market, and this nut has been absolutely amazing!! i lost centimeters before i lost kg’s, so it’s important to ignore the scale and just listen to your body. i definitely felt and saw the difference in my clothes before i saw the scale moved. i lost a healthy 7 kg over 6 months, which is slow, steady and realistic weight loss, but the amount of centimeters i lost is simply amazing!!! i recommend this product to all my family and friends and since seeing the physical change in me appearance and energy levels they have all started using nuez de la india!

    • namu

      micah did you experience the side effects

    • ashurah

      hi did you not get the cramps if yes what did you use for the cramps

  • lucinda

    everytime i use this product i lose weight yes sometimes my body aches and it does make you use the restroom i see results i feel good.

  • althea

    i tried it for two weeks now and no results at all.
    no weight loss

    • norma martinez

      two weeks is not enough i try it for 3 months before i was able to see results i really love this product to loose weight and only product that work for me

  • jessica (verified purchase)

    i personally have had a good experience so far…. my friend gave me a pack of her nuts because she said she didn’t like how it made her feel. come to find out she was taking it wrong!! you have to smash 1/8 of the nut between 2 spoons and set the spoons inside of a coffee cup then poor boiling hot water over the spoons filling the cup up about 3/4 of the way. stir both spoons making sure all of the nut is off and let the cup sit for about 5 minutes to cool then drink. i feel really good drinking this every morning and yes my stools are a lot more loose than before but that is the process to detoxify the body and i have lost about 7 lbs going on my 3rd week now!

    • mandy

      in the morning did you take it on an empty stomach? or after you had your breakfast?

      • js

        empty stomach, then coffee after 15 minutes. fyi, take off all the caoating!!

        • bonnie

          when is best morning or before bedtime?

          • sasha

            on their website it says to take before bed

  • heart??
    lisa (verified purchase)

    anyone experience your heart going crazy the first night? up awake and cannot sleep

    • victoria

      yes i have experienced heart palpitations and very bad nausea

  • carol (verified purchase)

    i’ve tried this product for the first time and consumed an 8th whole with some water. i didn’t dissolve it in boiling water. are there any side effects, reason to be concerned? please help

  • concerned

    i’ve been using the indian walnut for 2 weeks, started off with 8th of the nut for 8 days and started getting the symptoms the back pain, sore arms, sore thighs, sore breasts, sore tummy then a fourth after, on the 3rd day of using my 4th, i experienced terrible body pain was difficult for me to walk properly and concerntrate, and feeling exhausted, and all my body parts mentioned was abnormally hard and painful.. i stopped using it two days ago and my body is still sore and hard but feel abit relieved is it normal…would like to know if i can still use this product..feeling very concerned

    • victoria (editor)

      hi. please make sure to consult with your physician before continuing to take this product and let them know about the side effects you were experiencing.

    • cecilia

      i had the same side effects, twice, over five months. after about 4 weeks i considered stopping because there was no weight loss and i felt terrible most of the time but then steadily over 5 months now, i’ve lost 7kgs and loads of cms. i take a quarter daily round 4 – 7pm (as recommended) and am pleased i have persisted. the side effects are quite debilitating to say the least but i think knowing its a natural product that consoles me as i think its detoxification taking place.

    • thuli

      i had the problems when i increased to 1/4 so i went back to 1/8. been taking 1/8 for more than a month and it is working for me. i will not increase to 1/4 i will stay on 1/8. have lost a lot of weight.

      • bruno

        been using for 10 days now 1/4 a day with no weight loss? when will i see some resultsresults? at what time did you see results when you started?

    • mariana van eeden

      what did your doctor say was wrong. i have the same problem. thank you.

    • mariana van eeden

      what did your doctor say. i have the same sympthons

    • in-pain

      i’m also experiencing the same (the hard terribly aching body parts) i stopped yesterday i took it in 1/4 n i’m left with 3/4 out of the 6 nuts i bought. i cant walk.

      • anonymous

        just got discharged from hospital due to complications after taking the nuts for 3 weeks.i had liver and heart failure.still struggling to get my health back to normal as my skin now burn like hell and my liver still swollen

  • denise

    i’m using the indian walnut for 2 weeks now..have body pains feeling so tired all the time an lack of concentration..and my tummy, thighs, arms aswell as by breast is hard is it normal…feeling concerned.

    • victoria (editor)

      hello. all users are different and can experience different side effects; please make sure to consult with your physician before taking this product again and let them know the side effects you were experiencing.

      • sher

        i take a piece after ever section of my laser lipo and it cleanse me right out after i eat anything just feel tired

  • benny

    i was 400 lb in a year of useing the nuez iam at 278 lb soo for yes!! it works ????????

  • bev anderson (verified purchase)

    nuez del a indian nuts are fabulous. they work magic!

  • nuez dela
    miss shanaaz bennett (verified purchase)

    today marks my first week on the nut- felt sick as a dog in week 1. week 2 everything cleared up…i lost around 5kgs which is about 2 pounds so far!!!! product easily accessible

    • maggie

      ah don’t want to be rude but you got the lb wrong 1 kgs is 2.2 lb so 5 kgs would be 11 lb weight loss.

  • a singh (verified purchase)

    i am using nuez dela india for 2 weeks now. from day 1 to 5 my tummy is gone flat and i’ve been lossibg cms on my sides. it is the second week now that i am on it and my tummy is getting more flat and i am still loosing cm. i was 55 kgs when i had started this and now after 2 weeks i’m weighing 52kg.this product does work. i am also watching what i eat. i’ve restricted my breakfast and lunch to 2 bananas, a naartjie and a 3 plain provita crackers. i have my dinner around 7 pm and that only consists of 2 pieces of chicken or fish and veg. i am taking a vitamin b supplement. i only started on this diet once i was began taking these nuts.
    the side effect i experienced is just tiredness after i started taking the vitamin b im feeling loads better. the nut/seed does have a laxative effect, but then again you have to watch what you eat. the representative who i purchased this product from was very helpful and gave me proper advise on the do’s and dont’s. your potassium levels will drop. therefore you need to supplement it.vitamin b is also a must.

    • sebongile

      after 8 days of 1/8 how do u take it after

      • claire

        you take 1/4 afterward . it works l was 109kg now 89kg and an still on nut number 9 from the 12 l purchased. side effects came and go l was prepared for them because lvwad told prior

    • vino

      hi which vitamin b did u take? was it any specific or the general b complex?

  • lilly (verified purchase)

    i lost 26 pounds in six months. love it no side affects either. people please understand everything don’t work for everybody. be bless and check with your doctor first.

  • julia

    is it safe to use the nut while breastfeeding?

    • jessica (editor)

      hi! please make sure to consult with your physician before starting a new weight-loss program or product.

    • dechap

      there has been no scientific studies done so i would not take the risk of nursing while taking this. if it causes diahrrea and aches in us adults, imagine a baby. i have not taken this product but i know some who have and they had great results!

    • gagagaga

      don’t use while breastfeeding your baby will lose appetite and will not want milk

    • anonymous

      this nut is toxic .i neely died .i was admitted for 6 days due to heart and liver failure after taking the nite for 3 weeks

      • anonymous

        did you boil it first. it is toxic in its raw form.

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