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ideal protein review - 7 things you need to know

ideal protein claims to offer a lot of benefits, but we had to dive deep into the ingredients and potential side effects to see if there’s any truth behind them. then, our research team focused on scientific research connecting the key ingredients to weight loss. here’s everything we found, condensed and unfiltered, on ideal protein.

ideal protein can be purchased through their official site.

ideal protein readers: noom is offering our readers a risk-free trial, for a limited time. click here for more information!

what is the ideal protein?

ideal protein is a program designed to deplete the body of its glycogen reserves, forcing it to burn up fat stores and lose weight.

the plan includes pre-packaged meals, snacks, and soups in a ketogenic makeup that most consumers argue to be too restrictive and difficult to follow.

the program aims to promote weight loss by providing the body with an optimal amount of protein. the pre-packaged products claim to be medically formulated and engineered to be very low in carbohydrates and fats.

theoretically, this makes sense if we can force the body system to deplete its glucose storage and turn to fat reserves for energy. if this is the case, then those on a diet should see soon see results.

according to hans d. g medical center, those on the ideal protein diet normally run out of glucose reserves within three days. it is at this stage that the body begins to break down fat to glucose metabolically – called ketosis. what does science say about ketosis, the ketogenic diet and weight loss?

  • gastroenterology, critical care, and lifestyle medicine – “humans have evolved with the capacity for metabolic flexibility and the ability to use ketones for fuel. during states of low dietary carbohydrate intake… ketogenesis takes place. these conditions promote breakdown of excess fat stores, sparing of lean muscle…”
  • nutrition research – not only does the keto diet improve weight loss results, but it also has other impacts on the mind and body. “the 12kd [12-week keto diet] resulted in decreased appetite, significant weight loss of participants (−18 ± 9 kg men vs. -11 ± 3 kg women; p < .001), decreased emotional and external eating (p < .001 for both), increased body image satisfaction (p < .001) and improved physical performance (p < .001).”
  • cell metabolism – it also appears that ketosis may be beneficial for athletes, especially those in endurance sports. “ketosis increases metabolic flexibility during exercise, reducing glycolysis and increasing muscle fat oxidation”

the program launched a new app called idealsmart app. the app allows you to contact your coach, track health statistics, set goals, and more. however, you’ll have to be a registered patient or client to use it.

ideal protein keto diet

ideal protein and the better business bureau (bbb)

the bbb page for ideal protein is rather bleak. they are not accredited with the bureau, but they have been given an “a+” rating. there are no customer reviews and only one complaint lodged within the last three years.

ideal protein competitors

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4 day diet

how does ideal protein work?

the ideal protein program follows a strict four-phase protocol that is prescribed by a medical practitioner. he/she will determine the right pounds you should lose and will be your guide through the program’s phases.

the idealsmart app for ideal protein has also been shown to have many technical issues, according to customer reviews.


ideal protein phases

ideal protein phase 1

the ideal protein phase 1 is the stage where most dieters lose the majority of their weight. during this stage, you are supposed to consume at most three pre-packed ideal protein foods and one that you have prepared yourself.

this phase is more of an initial stage where the regime helps the system acclimatize to the new dieting rudiments.

the doctor gives special instructions regarding the kind of self-prepared meals you should take. it must be a low carb, low-fat diet that still includes lots of vegetables and proteins.

according to studies from the gruenn medical center, the average weight lost by women during stage one is between three and five pounds while that of men is between five and seven pounds.

ideal protein phase 1 duration is dependent on your weight loss goal. once you reach 80% of your weight loss goal, you should proceed to stage two of the dieting plan.

ideal protein meal replacement shakes

ideal protein phase 2

at phase 1, you were confined to three ideal protein meals and one self-prepared meal, but at phase 2 you will be instructed to consume two ideal protein meals and two self-prepared meals.

the instructions on the nutritional components are still the same as with stage 1.

you remain in stage 2 until you reach 100% of your weight loss goal.

ideal protein phase 3

in the ideal protein phase 3 stage, you drastically reduce the amount of ideal protein diet foods you are eating and focus more on consuming controlled amounts of carbs and fats.

here you will be restricted to just one ideal protein meal and two regular self-prepared meals.

ideal protein phase 4

normalcy returns to phase 4 once all your weight loss goals have been achieved. at this point, you will have to make sure you are motivated to maintain your weight loss goals.

it is important to discipline yourself to choose healthier food choices so that you don’t revert to phase 1.


how much does ideal protein cost?

as with most weight loss programs, they always seem to be a bit on the pricier side. in our opinion, you should weigh the cost to benefits to make an informative decision on any program you embark on.

ideal protein cost

the ideal protein protocol costs about $15 per day or $5 per meal.


what are the benefits of ideal protein diet?

benefits of the ideal protein protocol, including:

  • weight loss
  • increased mental focus
  • increased energy
  • curbed appetite

this is due to it being involved with the keto diet, but what does the research say about losing weight with this kind of meal plan?

the american journal of clinical nutrition notes that a low-carb ketogenic diet may be able to reduce hunger and food intake in the short-term. another study published in molecules found that the diet may lead to weight-loss specifically in obese adults, while experimental & clinical cardiology found that this diet could cause weight-loss after 24 weeks in obese patients.

however, research published in the european journal of clinical nutrition found that extremely limiting carbohydrate consumption may only prove to be a barrier to long-term weight loss. more research is needed to confirm the benefits of this kind of diet in the long term as well, per current nutrition reports.

overall, the official publication of the college of family physicians of canada noted that weight-loss caused by a ketogenic diet cannot be sustained.

on another note, one study published in nutrients found that a keto diet may slightly improve exercise performance in athletes.

side effects

ideal protein side effects

while there are no reports of side effects from ideal protein, there’s a chance some may notice changes, mostly if their existing eating habits weren’t similar to ideal protein. some side effects may include:

  • upset stomach
  • irregular bowel movement
  • constipation
  • bloating
  • nausea

we recommend that first-timers under the age of 18, nursing and pregnant mothers, those with a health condition, and those under any medication should seek medical advice before jumping into this program.

bottom line

the bottom line on ideal protein

ideal protein is a complete diet plan. some dieters report losing weight on the program, and the 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 has been around for quite some time. both are essential with any weight management plan. however, there are alternatives you can add to your existing weight management, besides ideal protein.

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ideal protein review
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ideal protein

what is the ideal protein?

ideal protein is a program designed to deplete the body of its glycogen reserves, forcing it to burn up fat stores and lose weight. the plan includes pre-packaged meals, snacks, and soups in a ketogenic makeup that most consumers argue to be too restrictive and difficult to follow.

what is in my idealprotein?

my idealprotein is a login page where you can receive relevant advice and options relating to your plan. you can also sign-in and take your idealprotein coach with you.

what are the benefits of the ideal protein protocol?

the benefits of the ideal protein protocol include weight loss, increased mental focus, increased energy, and curbed appetite. this is due to it being involved with the keto diet.

how much weight can you lose in a week on ideal protein?

according to the program, those who follow the guidelines should lose three to five points a week.

what does research say about losing weight with this kind of meal plan?

the american journal of clinical nutrition notes that a low-carb ketogenic diet may be able to reduce hunger and food intake in the short-term. another study published in molecules found that the diet may lead to weight-loss specifically in obese adults, while experimental & clinical cardiology found that this diet could cause weight-loss after 24 weeks in obese patients. however more research is needed to confirm long term benefits as noted by current nutrition reports.

where can i buy ideal protein?

ideal protein can be purchased using their official site.

how much does ideal protein cost?

ideal protein costs range from $100 to $400 per week, depending on the products and services you choose.

how do you follow the ideal protein weight loss method?

when you sign up for the ideal protein program, you get a personalized plan to meet your needs and preferences. each plan is different for this reason.

who owns ideal protein?

ideal protein/laboratories c.o.p. inc makes, sells, and owns ideal protein.

what foods can you eat on ideal protein?

some of the foods you can eat while on the ideal protein program may include chicken, nuts, potatoes, and fish.

can you drink on ideal protein diet?

during phase 1 of the ideal protein plan, alcohol is not allowed. however, very moderate consumption is allowed in the other phases.

what is the difference between ideal protein and keto diet?

while the keto diet focuses on low-carb, high-fat meals, ideal protein consists of low-carb, low-fat meals that are catered to the individual’s needs.

how do you maintain weight loss after ideal protein?

after weight-loss is achieved, it is recommended that users follow a  healthy diet and exercise program. ideal protein also suggests reducing screen time and seeking mental health support.

does ideal protein work long term?

ideal protein is designed to provide long-term weight loss success. with proper adherence to the program, ideal protein provides users with a healthy and sustainable approach towards achieving their desired weight. it begins with a personalized plan that outlines the individual’s goals and objectives while monitoring progress along the way. ideal protein is based on 4 simple elements: nutrition, exercise, lifestyle changes, and coaching support which can help people form better eating habits for successful weight management results over time.

are there any reported side effects from ideal protein?

while there are no reports of side effects from ideal protein, some people may experience upsets stomachs, irregular bowel movements, constipation, bloating or nausea based on their own eating habits prior to starting this program.

967 ideal protein reviews

  • tremendous
    samantha (verified purchase)

    the ideal protein weight loss method is really tremendous. 6 people in my family have succeeded with a total of 148 pounds lost. mom is still on and she’s down almost 40 in 10 weeks. weight loss doc is our health savior! (800) 697-1686. i recommend this diet to almost everyone, from teens to the elderly, men & women. i hope you do.

  • maintenance schedule
    brett (verified purchase)

    i am a 52 year old male and was 217 lbs. and 5’9″. i am still 5’9′ and weigh 160 lbs (-57 lbs) after 10 weeks on this program. i am on the “maintenance schedule” now and have stayed the same weight as when i finished the program 5 weeks ago. a little pricey but what is your health worth to you? i lift weights 4x a week and now enjoy it where before i couldn’t stand it. i feel great have better clarity of thinking and recommend this to anyone who has the discipline to see what they can feel and look like in a relatively short period of time. god bless you.

    • randy

      i have lost 46 pounds since the 3rd week in july, 2011. even though i’ve not been able to strictly follow the program due to external life factors, i’m pleased with the result in 3 month’s time.

  • leann

    started ideal protein the end of sept. lost 22 pounds by fourth week.went in for my fifth weigh in and lost .4 i was sick that week with strep throat and my coach told me that can happen when your body is try to fight off an infection has anyone else been sick and not lost weight. love the program!!! i want to lose 40 pounds so i have about 18 more to go hopefully this weeks weigh in is better!!

  • rita

    i just started this diet. i have to say, i have felt full (no hunger pains). i can taste the artificial sweetener, which does bother me a bit.
    the first 2 days i had a major headache! i’m contributing it to a lack of sugar (no carbs). the pain was god-awful! the diet tells you that you might experience a bad headache if you were use to eating a lot of grains or sugar and to relieve the pain, it tells you to drink salt water (they provide the sea salt). i tried it, it did take the edge off a bit but i gave in and took 3 aleve pills. the other problem i have is that i’m use to “picking” at night while i’m watching tv and this diet stresses no eating after 8pm. i haven’t gotten to the phase where i am allowed to “snack” on one of their products. it does take some getting use to. i am having one wicked craving for pizza though …. 🙁

    • melanie

      hot tea is my salvation. i enjoy a mug or two in the evening. the chai tea is wonderful. i just recently bought vanilla almond – truely…tasty and i feel satsified in the evenings.

    • anonymous

      headaches are caused by a fluid shift in the cells of your body.drink water with some of your sea salt.

      • vicky

        headaches can also be caused from caffeine withdrawals if a person is used to drinking alot of coffee or pop.

    • tammy

      the artificial sweetners can also trigger migraines.

    • tiffany

      rita, how are you doing now. i am going to a meeting on tomorrow.

  • great results
    nolagirl (verified purchase)

    i started on ip a few months ago. lost 10 pds the first 4 days…wow great results. but its pricy! that’s my only complaint.

  • today is day 6 for me. i really love the diet so far. ive liked the drinks, the yogurt, the eggs and the chocolate drink is my night time craving savior. im off coffee with no headaches. i was a morning -afternoon coffee drinker unable to kick the habbit. i havnt had it all week. goal 30 lbs, lower blood surgar, kick start to living healthier life
    holly (verified purchase)

    today is day 6 for me. i really love the diet so far. ive liked the drinks, the yogurt, the eggs and the chocolate drink is my night time craving savior. im off coffee with no headaches. i was a morning -afternoon coffee drinker unable to kick the habbit. i havnt had it all week. goal 30 lbs, lower blood surgar, kick start to living healthier life

  • it works better but it costs per day is higher.
    jim johnson (verified purchase)

    i am a 52 year old mad, 6′, (was 282 lbs), i was on ideal protein for a strict 8 weeks and lost just over 50 lbs. got off the diet for a couple of weeks an back on now but not using their product anymore. i us muscle milk (powedered 80% concentrate & 20% isolate)in the morning, and a 3 oz. protein shot by body choice in the afternoon. i am still following the meal plan, and i am losing weight at the same rate as before, but in now only cost me $2.00 a day. take a look at costco for these products if price is an issue, ideal protein cost me $12.00 per day. good luck to everyone, i feel great!

    • wendy johnson

      hi, jim….

      i’d like to do the diet but it’s much too expensive for my budget. muscle milk, huh? do you know if the meal plan is published anywhere on their site? never heard of body choice but will google it.

    • wendy johnson

      jim, thank you for this information. i am interested in trying the diet plan but the foods are just not within my current budget.

      i like muscle milk….didn’t know there was a powdered version. do you use just water or milk to mix? i will check out the body choice on their website. sam’s club doesn’t sell this. which flavor would you recommend? i think it comes in orange, grape, and fruit punch. thanks, again!

    • sandy

      so you think the same quantities would be good for a female? also is the muscle milk alone your breakfast?

      • kristy

        i used the jillian micheals protein shake at wal-mart it is all-natural and only $10 a can.

    • tami

      i read your testimonial and would really appreciate any information about the products you used in lieu of the ideal protein products. i went for an informational and can not afford the program. i have over a 100 pounds to lose and would be able to afford $2.oo per day. thank you for any information i was not able to get any information from the program presenter without joining for 300.oo.

      • vicky

        i would imagine you could use another product on your own but be extrememly careful as to the amount of carbs in the diet. the idea behind this diet is a strict limit on carbs digested daily. i think the drinks are 1-2 grams of carbs and those carbs comes from sucralose (sp?) 2 cups of fresh veggies plus unlimited lettuce 2x per day. good luck!

      • linda z

        tami – i’m about to try ideal protein – it is similar to lean for life initated by a clinic, popular about 10-15 years ago, same concept, high protein, low carb, have to stay in ketosis, only plan that everworked for me. you can shop your own foods, but are permitted to have only 50 carbs a day. i lost 28 lbs first 6 weeks on that plan, but like idela protein you have to do the maintenace phase to keep it off. just have to purchase the book by cynthia graff and may be more affordable for you. good luck!

        • renee

          my doctor said no more than 30 carbs a day but i am trying to stay around 15.

    • marie

      where can you purchase the body choice shots?

    • anonymous

      what is the reccommended amount of protien per day? amount of carbs to do this program?

      • dl

        1/2 of body weight for protein grams intake per day

    • sandi

      hi, i have been seriously thinking of starting the ip diet plan. trouble is….it’s really out of my price range. i read your comment about the muscle milk. willing to give that a try. do you also still take the ip supplement? i see they are quite $$ too. thanks!!

      • stephanie

        my consultant asked if i was already taking a multi., i said yes, so i did not have to purchase ip brand. a friend gave me her potassium/cal- when i run out i will buy store brand with same mg’s. i don’t believe there’s anything special about the ip brand other than over priced.

    • anonymous

      fill me in totally on the whole meal plan morning, lunch dinner and snack.

    • anna

      what website are you talking about when you speak of this muscle milk and body choice? i am currently on the ideal protein but it’s getting expensive so if you are seeing the same results and found a substitute like these products i would like to know about it…i live in canada

      • linda

        i am also in canada. did you find out anything about the muscle milk and body choice?

    • anna

      i’m interested in finding out how this muscle milk and body shot still make you lose the same amount of weight as the ideal protein diet? i am getting bored of the food very quickly after only being on it for 3 1/2 weeks…any help would be great

      • robyn

        was just curious to know if you have received any information regarding the muscle mile and body shots?

      • renee

        if you go to the ideal protein website, they have all sorts of recipts that follow the program. different ways to fix your veggies than just salad. like making potatochips out of turnups or zuchinni seasoned and baked in the oven.

    • cheryl

      how much weight have you lost. i just started the diet a week ago,lost 8. long term this could get really expensive.

    • julie

      hi i read your post when i was looking up info about the ideal protein diet. did your system of the muscle milk and body choice? i would love to know..i am worried about the cost of the program

  • if i started on this diet, could i only use the drinks for 2 meals, and the meat and salad for the third meal and accomplish the same thing?

    question: if i started on this diet, could i only use the drinks for 2 meals, and the meat and salad for the third meal and accomplish the same thing?

    • joanna

      i do a drink for breakfast, one of their meals for lunch, my own dinner then add extra water to the puddings so that they are also a drink.

      from my understanding, you can eat any of their foods for any of the meals so you should be able to do 2 meals of drinks.

  • i luv the way my body is taken shape!
    patricia (verified purchase)

    i’ve been on the ip diet for 10 weeks and have a loss of 30 pds and find it very easy to follow and the products taste good and enough variety for me not to get bored. also great that you are incorporating reg.food so that you learn to make better choices and always find something i can eat when dining out. i luv the way my body is taken shape!

  • first 8 weeks lost 40 lbs.
    marcella (verified purchase)

    first 8 weeks lost 40 lbs. never hungry, always feel great!! been on everything & found this to be the easiest!!
    now @ 12 week & still losing & just starting with exercise!!

    • ender

      good to hear that!! this is my 1st week, only 3 pounds gone:))

  • this diet has changed my life and i reccomend it to anyone.
    ksligar (verified purchase)

    i am a 37 y/o male and i have lost 55 lbs in 6 weeks. i pay $88/wk in ideal protein and another $30 or so on meat and veggies. the diet was extremely tough the first 3 weeks, much much easier now. this diet has changed my life and i reccomend it to anyone. just keep the willpower to stay on it and you will see amazing results!

    • ariel

      hi ksigar
      well congratulations keep it up i`m glad that`s is working for you

    • kim

      what state are you in? i can’t seem to find it for as low as $88. thanks

      • kim

        i pay $88 and live in southern missouri

        • anonymous

          what clinic in southern missouri.

      • amy

        i live in washington state and it’s $84.00 per week here. i am starting this program on wed. and i am very excited

        • cindy`

          what clinic are you going to in washington state?

        • linda

          do you have to use their foods? i am pretty knowledgable on protein vs. carbs. i would rather use my own food and save the money.

        • dean

          amy, i live near seattle, who is your doctor and where is his office, please.

        • susan

          bothell chiropractic is where i go. i have lost 15 lbs in 5 weeks and have 5 lbs to go. my body looks really good. i am 62 and look and feel really good, although i am hungry all the time. i have decided to stick it out.

        • karen

          so susan, howdid you find a doc. that dose this diet. i livein spokand wa. i would like to start this diet soon so pleaseget back to me…karen

        • janet

          hi amy, i was just reading about the ideal protein diet and saw your message. i know it was two years ago,but i live in washington too and just wondered how you did on it and if you were able to stick to it. i really want to try but boy it seems hard to eat lettuce twice a day, i am afriad ill get tired of it real quick. i went to a dr office on wed and it costs 250 and then about 90 a week. im over by yakima, so i don’t know how much it cost where you live. i was just curious how you did on this diet. thanks janet

    • anonymous

      i am from washington state as well! n i pay $84 a week plus my protein at dinner n veggies!!! i am on day 3 so far i am loving it and have seen people i know change there bodies in such little time! i have been a little tired in the evenings.. but my coach said that by day 4 i would be worn.. to get done rest n your body will bounce back n it will have more energy! i love this diet! congrats to all the (losers) 🙂 out there!! almost 5lbs down in 3 days for me!!!

  • what is the cost of ideal protein products?

    what is the cost of ideal protein products?

    • wendy

      i was quoted $95 per week through the doctors office. plus the vegies

    • susanna smit

      $4 per packet, most places charge. you need 3 packets a day on face 1 , later you need less packets per day. to start it is more expensive, about $200-$300 depends on clinic, a processing fee, education and 2 weeks worth of food, plus multivit, calsuim-magnesuim and potasuim. i am seeing amazing results with my nurse friends, some lost 75lbs, some 65lbs and a few in the 30-40 lbs range, i lost 35lbs.

      • sue

        susanna, where are you getting the packets for $4??

        • helen

          sue- first you go to- a group seminar ( with a few people) -its cheaper($100.00) they tell ya about. than the weekly cost of packets is about 81-86 per week- the packets are $4.00 a piece- so per day you need- 3-4 packets so its $12-$16 per each day x’s( times) 5 days-. try to eat -low fat meats- 2 cups of veggie at lunch + dinner with the + all the lettuce yoy want- your dinner consist of the meat /protein -6 0z 0f your choice. lots of water ,crystle light drinks. stick to it correctly + yes the weight finally comes off -pretty fast. you get the packets + the program at many local chriopratics office- go in once a week- they weigh you, track your fat loss + pee on the urine stick ( in bathroom ) to track the sugar in the body. the foods ok- your are just adjusting to change for the first few days + stick to their packets , remenber anything that goes in your mouth must be zero- carbs -sugar- fats because they are already coculated in the diet packets. but – if you need soda- its gotta be clear-diet once -twice week.

  • for over 30 years old it works.
    paula coome (verified purchase)

    my husband’s doctor recommended ideal protein as a diet for my husband to try. the doctor said this is the only diet (with over 30 years in medical practice) that works. i think that says volumes.

    • merryl

      my doctor says the same thing. best diet. i am on my second day and not doing too bad. like the food more than i thought i would. i am on it not only to loose weight, but to try to keep sugar under control.

  • can a breastfeeding mom take part in idle protein weight loss programme
    ojukwu gloria

    can a breastfeeding mom take part in idle protein weight loss programme

    • becky

      i would not do it while berastfeeding as it could hinder your milk supply.

    • anonymous

      no, expecting and nursing mothers are not allowed on the protocol.

      • e wing

        can type 2 diabetects or heart paticents participate?

        • fredi

          my sig. other and i both decided to give this program a try. i am a diabetic (typeii) and he is a heart patient (heart attack 2 years ago). both our doctors are anxious for us to lose weight, and this diet looks right for both of us. wish us luck – i will check in in a couple of weeks!

        • malou

          i’m a type 2 diabetic and have been in the program for almost 4 weeks. my blood sugar was 210 the last time i saw my doctorin january. one week after starting the diet my blood sugar went down to 147. a week later 103. today it was 99. so yes, if you’re type 2 diabetic you can. certain cardiac patients cannot.

        • holly mclean

          i had controlled my diabetes (type 2) for 19 years with vegetarian diet and exercise but the morning numbers were creeping up. this diet lowered my morning number from 174 to 159 the first day and then a rapid decrease to now average 110 or lower in the morning. plus it stays around 95 all day. also, i walk a few miles a day and before my blood sugar could go down 60 points, now it is staying stable. no more extreme highs and lows. amazing. lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks. it is based on bmi so we will see how it goes. hopefully another 30 pounds to be complete. but to not have the diabetes dragon chasing my tail is wonderful. i would rather pay for the foods than drugs to control it. also, my blood pressure meds had to be cut in half and will probably be eliminated soon.

  • is it acceptable to use in short term doses like this program?
    jazzgrl (verified purchase)

    i am just wondering about the effects of the ideal protein products containing sucralose, which is an artificial sweetener?? most research says that artificial sweeteners actually stimulate appetite and cause users to gain weight! is it acceptable to use in short term doses like this program?

    • fawn22

      i have a high sensitivity to the artifical sweetners and i must say i am not having any problems, i have been on this program for 4 weeks now and have lost 16.4 lbs tons of fat, okay well not tons but quite a bit… love the food as with anything you have your favorites.. cappuccino anyone…

    • chow

      although some of the products don’t contain any sucralose, the ones that do contain a very small amount (less than a quarter of a little packet). in comparison to all of the chemicals and toxins we take in with processed foods, this is minimal. also, remember that this is a temporary diet change and that clients are taught to eat for life without the products.

  • i've lost 39- pounds in 8 weeks!
    deb (verified purchase)

    i’m 43 and 5’7″. love the ideal protein diet! i’ve lost 39- pounds in 8 weeks! i’m off all meds and i feel great. there is plenty of variety on this diet and they have a good maintenance program. there are 4 phases of the diet where they slowly wean you off of their product to eat real food. once you have reached your goal and maintained your weight loss, you will know about food combining to ensure you keep off the weight. you will be eating a bigger meal at breakfast, smaller for lunch and even smaller for dinner. one day a week you can eat whatever you want–anything. that way of eating is something i can live with long term.

    • dave

      i am 62. i have been on this diet for 10 days now. i live in cajun country, where food was created. just like the consultant told me, it would take about 5 to 6 days on this diet to get used to it. i have lost 15 lbs, need to lose 25 more. after the first 6 days, my appetite was satisfied, my taste buds enjoyed the natural flavors of the foods and i have no sense of depression. the more i read up on this diet, the more i agree with the plan. good weight loss can be achieved, but you really need to follow the plan. i ate a plane salad for lunch yesterday with only olive oil and sea salt. i can only tell you, i was able to taste every piece of vegetable in it and am looking forward to my meal today. i expect to be on this plan for 2 to 4 more weeks and then have the consultant wean me to a life long diet that maintains this. one more thing about this diet that i added, i asked the lord the help me and he has.

      • sarah

        dave, i am going in for my consultation for this diet tomorrow and just reading peoples comments, your caught my eye, i have to ask the lord to help me and i know he will also. thanks for adding that, there is a reason why i read your comment.

        • pam

          i asked the lord too, honest. i just started yesterday and haven’t even been hungry.

      • kimberly

        i started the diet 6 days ago and have already lost over 5 pounds. monday i will offically get a weigh in and measure inches lost. yes the first 4-6 days were hard, especially day 2 and 3. now i have my energy back and feel fine and satisfied after meals. i work at the doctors office that has started this program so fortunately it’s not as expensive for me than someone coming off the street. i think it’s an amazing diet. one you can be on for 2-3 months and then never have to diet again. it really teaches how to eat healthy for the rest of your life. i’m so excited.

      • anonymous

        hi kimberly, i also live in cajun country (baton rouge) where food was created, lol. i see your post was in january. how much did you have to lose? have you reached your goal weight? have you maintained? thanks

        • misty

          i too live in cajun country(lafayette) where food is amazing & everywhere. i’m on day 8 & i have lost 6lbs & 6.5inches.

      • anonymous

        amen!! who better to turn to than the lord-he cares about every area of our lives!! blessings on you!!

      • anonymous

        hi dave, 15 lbs in 6 days! that’s great keep going!

      • sylvia

        i am also a christian so i need prayer if this diet is right for me.


      • rodney bjornstad

        i am on the diet right now……have tried lots of things on my own….exercise focused, raw food, lots of juicing (remember the juiceman?)…this is the ticket….the genuine article to help people conquer yourself and bad habits in today’s world. rbj, fargo nd

  • you will learn alot. it works!!!
    blaine (verified purchase)

    i am a 38yoa male 5’10”. i have lost 19lbs and 13 total inches in 4weeks on this plan. it is great for me because it stresses not to do heavy exercising the first 3weeks. i recently had hip surgery which i gained alot of weight with and cant do much cardio. since it is doctor regulated i feel it is more successful. i am sure there are similar diets and contrary to this post the ingredients etc are clearly posted on the box and the meal plan. feel free to find a doctor that participates and you will learn alot. it works!!!

    • richard

      hey blaine…how is the weight loss going? went to a talk tonight…..am 58 years old, on the edge of diabetes… thinking about doing this program…thanks for your thoughts!

      • patrick

        i have diabetes and since i have been on the diet for 2 months now i have lost a lil over 40lbs and no longer taking my meds the energy level goes up a bit and flucuates a lil bit the diet is worth every dime follow it…believe me it works i live in opelousas and see dr. greene here …..it works

    • megan

      did you experience any leg cramping in the very beginning??? i just started ip today and have had some leg cramps for about half the day!?

      • ashlyn

        i started on two days ago and woke up with a terrible cramp in my calf this morning! has been achey for about a half hour

        • raymond

          i’m 48 years old and have lost 33lbs on this diet in 5 weeks. protein packs are quick & easy. good variety of foods. best of all they have coaching videos daily that provide support, information and great recipe ideas. after phase 1, 2 & 3 are complete, phase 4 introduces regular foods into the diet but your knowledge and experience guaging foods from this program will eliminate yo-yo dieting forever.

  • prices are not listed on website.

    i agree there should be a nutritional value guide listed on the website. i do know the foods are made from soy, whey, protein, and collagen isolates so that both carnivores and vegetarians alike as well as gluten free needs are acheivable. prices are not listed because it is a clinician only program, and the price can very from clinic to clinic. i know a few people doing this at different clinics and it’s not a mainstream market product, it’s a medically supervised program. some of the food is good, but they have a small variety in comparison to other programs. it’s nice that my friends can finish it and be done with dieting though, as it is not a forever thing, so the price is not a continual expense.

    • dj

      do you know approximately what your friends are paying a week and have they been happy with the results?

      • addie

        my husband and i just started this diet and it costs us about $100 each per week in ideal protein food. that is supplemented with lots of fresh veg and daily protein for supper.

        • anonymous

          you are being overcharged. the clinic that i go to charges $81 per week for the protein packets. but if you are seeing a doctor, they can charge whatever they want.

          • lou

            where are the cheaper facilities

        • ip-er

          pricing can also depend on supplements. if they’re included in the weekly charge or an extra purchase.

      • sonia frank

        the start cost me $249 you pay around $120 a week plus you rehular food, for lunch and dinner it is alot of restriction, my first week weight went down fast, it tells you to loose 3-5 a week, so far it took me 2 months for 14 pounds, little bit confusing, if you have one of the foods, you cant have any more of the rest for the day and so on,

  • is product name same when ordered from canada?
    ang (verified purchase)

    is this product undr another name to be ordered from canada???

    • jean

      there are ideal protein distributors in the us. usually, they are within a chiropractic practice.

    • vicki

      i live in new orleans la, how do i get the products. i went to the website and i didn’t see a place to order

      • peach

        i go to dr. kathleen posey on the north shore. i started this diet, 2 1/2 wks ago and have lost 12 pounds. i should have lost more but i got mixed up with the restricted food. not only is my doctor on this program but her nurse is as well…they both lost a tone of weight. this is a very easy program to following, just eat. i use walden farms dressing for salads, 0 carbs, fat, calories and if good, i drink crystal light and 1/2 tbs. of salt in a 72oz. bottle. you will lost weight, just eat.

        • shellie

          i am thinking aboout starting the ideal protein diet.i made an appointment for tomorrow. are you still pleased with the results

      • lesle

        baudry therapy center in metairie, la. offers the plan.
        great place.

      • jennifer

        vicki you have to obtain the products through a doctor….to find one near you – go on the ideal website or call the number and they will help. i’ve lost 21 lbs in 5 weeks….29 lbs to go

      • anonymous

        there is an ideal protein consultant in covington la.. @ dr. joe johnson’s office..

      • vicki

        you can buy the products, at dr. hannon on clearview in metairie, 504-454-2000 is the number, hope this helps,

      • anonymous

        there are several places in baton rouge, la such as downtown physical therapy which offer these products.

      • amanda mollere

        right behind the walgreens on airline and clearview they have a drs. office where u can get it its called hannan wellness center

      • bruce

        you can only get the products at a doctor’s office

      • vicki

        you can buy op on ebay

        • lori

          what is op?

    • anonymous

      can you drink lattes on the ideal protein diet?

      • janet

        not starbucks! lol but thhere is a delicious cappucino ideal protien mix, and the nice things about their drink mixes is that you can make them with less water, and they become puddings, or, make them with ice to make smoothies and milkshakes.

      • misty

        you can have regular coffee but you have to use mini moos & splenda. my counselor suggested in the am to add the vanilla shake to coffee & its like a latte.

    • nelle

      i am starting the diet this friday via a friend. where can i find information regarding the phases so i know what to eat and when?

      • shahla

        do you know any location in bay area california? i live in fremont. plz let me know. thanks

    • joann

      this diet might be expensive but it is the absolute best diet out there. i had a thyroid problem and pre-menapausal and i was working out six days a week and couldn’t lose a pound. this diet is a godsend. lost 20 pounds and have never been this thin since i got married which was 25 years ago. the food taste great and i still go back to the doctor and get some of my favorites so the taste is not a problem like similar diets. the only negative i can share is in the beginning, the first 3 weeks, i must admit i was hungry. i guess my stomach had to shrink and my body adjust to less food. the way to battle that is drink something hot. i lived on tea and coffee when i was on this diet to fill in the “hungry moments”. hot drinks work better than cold, for me anyway.

      • andy

        are we talking jenny craig exoensive or how much is the avarage price per food??$$

        • alison

          the food costs about $12 per day in phase 1. you eat one ip food at breakfast, one ip at lunch with 2 c of allowed veggies, meat/fish dinner with 2 c allowed veggies & ip snack in evening. each ip food costs about $4.

    • babs

      hi – i have been on this diet for the last 11 days. could not afford to continue..cost for me was $84 a week for ideal’s food, $70 month for supplements & then you have to buy veggies, 8oz protein a day(3.5 pounds a wk) and any walden farms dressing you need. diet works -i lost 6.5 pounds & 1+inches all over my body. food is not great but somethings are ok…bars, puddings, chili, -did care for fruit drinks. after all is said & done if you can afford approx $500 a month -then go for it. but there is no way i can do it $$.

      • dgc16

        your doctor might have had a bit of an inflation on your package, because it is about $4/meal and then supplements and then your lean proteins and veggies that you have to buy separately… it is expensive up front, but has been worth it so far.

        • bruce

          $4 x 3 a day to start is $12 x 7 days is $84

      • carol

        yes, her price is correct. it is $84 a week + the additional cost of the supplements etc. i estimated it cost at least $50/lb. but it worked. it is pretty easy, but costly. i lost 30 lbs.

        • anonymous

          what are the supplements?

      • anonymous

        im in the program, and the prices are correct, but im told that the dinner protien is only 5oz a day. this really has worked for my husband & i. it is more expensive then how we use to eat, but it is well worth it. they do teach you how to take care of ur body to keep it off and when at ur weight goal, you will spend less.

    • janet

      i have tried a couple of offices in orange county. the best one is in newport beach at wellness choice center. it’s a chiropractic office that offers it and it’s been a great experience so far. i have lost 28 lbs in less than 3 months.

    • kimberly

      can you say which products. i am on ip and these sound like familiar for and my sister. who diagnosed this disease for both of you? i feel like i should look into it!

  • loved the product.
    cristina (verified purchase)

    i started this diet less than a week ago, and not only me, but everybody that sees me can notice that i am loosing weight. i already have 5 pounds less and i still have 2 days to go to complete my first week. i am not starving, sometimes i feel a little bit hungry or craves about sweets. i have tried so many different diets and this one is for sure the best one.

    • dianne

      that is great that you have lost that much in less than a week. how much are you trying to lose?

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