exercise reviews

medically reviewed by anthony dugarte m.d.


the centers for disease controls and prevention (cdc) has stated that 42.4 percent of the us adult population was considered obese as of 2017-18. just being overweight can lead to higher healthcare costs, a shorter life span, an increase in preventable illness and a greatly diminished quality of life. so, can exercise and weight loss help to keep people healthier and live longer?

the dangers of being overweight

the us department of health and human services has published a long list of health risks associated with being overweight. some include:

  • higher blood pressure
  • metabolic syndrome
  • breathing problems
  • increased risk of heart problems

medical professionals also express that maintaining a healthy weight can help to prevent such health issues from developing over time.

the solution

an exercise weight loss study published in jdmd reveals that exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight while lowering the risk of various conditions and illnesses including high blood pressure and stress.

exercise weight loss benefits are significant including psychological benefits, as well as physical benefits.

the connection between exercise and weight loss

medical professionals and scientists connect exercise and weight loss. however, most experts also encourage individuals to incorporate a proper diet with restricted calorie consumption for optimal results.

exercise helps you to burn calories and fat more efficiently and effectively which are both essential to weight loss.  calories burned should be more than you consume to lose weight.

exercise is critical to your health and healthy weight loss. however, you must eat properly, too.

are exercise and weight loss mutually exclusive?

everyone is busy, and sometimes, it is difficult to find the time and energy to fit in exercise throughout the day. is it possible to have no exercise weight loss?

it is possible to lose weight without exercise; however, it will take longer and you will not receive as many health benefits simply by eating fewer calories.

and, you will have to develop a greatly restrictive diet and stay on a diet longer than if you use exercise as a tool for weight loss.

in addition to health benefits, exercise will help you to reach your ideal weight more quickly. this affects attitude and confidence.

how to begin an exercise and weight loss routine?

follow these exercise weight loss tips to establish a feasible plan.

establish a routine at the beginning of each week. create a list of your meals for the week and the exercises you will follow.

exercise for weight loss beginner routines can be as simple as walking 20 minutes a day or taking the stairs rather than an elevator or escalator to go up one or two floors.

you will be able to follow exercise weight loss at home through housework and short walks after meals.

and, you will be able to exercise for weight loss at the gym through machines, weights and aerobic classes.

whether you are looking at exercise for weight loss beginner plans or more advanced plans, the more you move, the better it is for your health and weight loss.

how quickly will you begin to see results?

do you wonder when you exercise for weight loss how much you can expect to lose and how quickly?

most medical professionals recommend aiming to lose between one and two pounds a week for long-term success at keeping off the weight.

if you are significantly overweight, you are likely to lose more than the standard each week because the more you weigh the more calories you burn during exercise.

if it is water weight you are losing during this time, you will likely gain it back. and, the no exercise weight loss approach will take even longer to lose weight.

how many calories to consume and to burn?

the exercise weight loss calories ratio is quite simple. you have to burn roughly 3,500 calories more than your recommended daily consumption allotment to lose one pound of weight.

this could take one week or three depending upon your meal plan and exercise schedule.

to monitor your weight loss, use an exercise weight loss calculator to determine the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn through exercise.

despite your weight, age or gender, you must burn more calories than you eat to lose weight. it is that simple.

can you cut too many calories or exercise too much?

it might seem like a good idea to cut more calories to lose weight more quickly such as if you pursue the exercise for weight loss in 7 days approach.

however, this could backfire. while you will still lose weight, it is also possible that this approach will severely minimize your metabolism which will significantly hinder your weight loss efforts.

exercise for weight loss how much time is ideal? if you exercise too much, you risk injury.

exercise for weight loss for female and male adults is recommended to be at least two and one-half hours of moderate aerobic activity each week, according to the physical activity guidelines for americans (pdf).

simple exercise weight loss tips

one exercise weight loss challenge is simply to get started; therefore, here is an easy-to-follow exercise and weight loss guide to help you stay on track:

  • use an exercise weight loss chart to count calories and track exercise.
  • set realistic short-term goals to remain motivated.
  • do not forget strength training to increase muscle strength that burns more calories.
  • drink plenty of water and get enough sleep as both are essential for weight loss.
  • eat more fruits and vegetables than anything else.
  • avoid sports drinks with sugar.

are you not losing weight?

it can become frustrating to continue to exercise for weight loss when that dreaded plateau happens.

keep an exercise weight loss chart to track your daily activity and food consumption. this will help you to more easily ascertain whether or not you are burning more calories than you consume.

if you are not losing weight, monitor your calories more closely. if you are in fact burning more than you consume, consider changing up your workout routine.

you might also speak with your doctor as your inability to lose weight may be due to underlying medical issues that require attention.

spot reduce certain sections of fat

a common exercise myth is that of spot reducing fat from trouble areas such as thighs and belly fat. unfortunately, it is simply not possible to pick and choose from where you lose fat at any given time. though it would be nice!

another exercise weight loss myth is that toning muscles is unimportant.

keep in mind that you may not see the results of toning straight away as the fat has to disappear for your six-pack and sculpted arms to be revealed! and, the more muscle you have, the more easily you burn calories each day.

you can work on toning certain areas to build the muscle underneath which will help you to burn more calories. however, your genetics determine from where you gain and lose weight and in which order.

aerobic activity is the fastest and most effective way to eliminate fat from trouble areas, and eventually, you will reach your target zone.

mix up your exercise routine

it is possible to plateau in weight loss despite doing everything right. mix up your exercise to keep shedding the pounds.

go swimming one day instead of running or add more weight to your lifting routine to shake up your metabolism.

can losing too much weight too quickly be dangerous?

the right exercise weight loss diet plan along with exercise is the key to successful weight loss.

if you lose too much weight altogether, this could lead to serious health consequences. be sure to stay within the recommended weight range for your height and age to remain healthy.


biking is a low-impact weight loss exercise that is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of alternative transportation in the us.


walking just one mile a day can shed weight, as well as strengthen bones.


running is also a great way to increase endorphin levels that make you feel happy.


take to the pool to reduce the overall stress on your body without sacrificing all of the exercise weight loss benefits of intense cardio including building muscle strength, heart strength and lung strength.

swimming may be easier on joints, but it’s an intense workout.


if you take the time to incorporate weightlifting into your routine, you will increase your metabolism, improve your posture and mood, minimize the risk of injury during cardio and reduce stress.

lifting weights does not mean that you will bulk up if you choose lower weights paired with greater repetition.


do yoga a few times a week to improve your muscle tone, flexibility, heart health, respiratory health, energy, metabolism and much more.

it may not seem like yoga is an effective weight-loss tool. however, the results may shock you.

are all exercises safe?

some exercises are better than others based on one’s existing physical condition and possible body limitations.

if you have bad knees, it might be best to choose low-impact weight loss activities such as swimming and yoga.

if you are new to working out, choose simpler exercises to ease you into the transition such as walking.

also, as you get older, some exercises and sports may become more difficult. do not be afraid to change your routine to ensure you can remain active your entire life.

how often should you exercise?

most experts agree that you should exercise four to five times per week for 30 minutes or more to lose or maintain weight. this includes cardio and strength conditioning. but, the smallest amounts of exercise, even when you think it has no effect, may be working to improve your health, according to the journal of physiology.

it is also important to take a few days off to allow your body to recover, as well as to get enough sleep for maximum results.

do not forget to combine exercise with a healthy diet for optimal results. if you eat right and exercise more than 30 minutes a day several times a week, you are likely to lose weight more quickly.

best time of day to exercise

is a morning or evening routine better? the answer is that no conclusive evidence exists to support either theory.

many people do prefer to exercise first thing in the morning to ensure they do not blow it off later in the day after life becomes a bit more hectic.

it is important to note, however, that if you exercise too late at night it may disrupt your ability to sleep.

from where will i lose weight first?

unfortunately, there is no magic formula to choose from where you will lose weight first.

while some people swear by an exercise weight loss belt to target problem areas, the location of initial fat loss is due to genetics and body type.

you may lose fat from your belly initially; whereas, other people will lose inches from their hips and thighs.

top weight loss foods

be sure you are eating right to keep the inches falling off your body.

and, be sure to monitor your portion sizes because even if you make the right choices on a food item, you can still eat too much and exceed your calorie intake for the day.

the following are considered some of the best weight loss foods:

  • beans and legumes
  • cruciferous vegetables
  • fruit
  • leafy greens
  • lean proteins
  • nuts
  • salmon and tuna
  • whole grains

research also shows, according to the journal nutrients, that low-fat dairy products may facilitate weight loss.

tips and tricks to keep motivated

one of the best ways to remain motivated in your exercise for weight loss routine is to remember that you do not have to deny yourself any of your favorite treats.

be sure to count your calories with an exercise weight loss calculator and keep indulgences in small portions on less frequent occasions.

another way is to try to be consistent with the time of day you exercise.

medical experts state that those who follow a more structured routine are more likely to exercise regularly.

and, replace non-nutritional calories from junk food with healthier alternatives such as fruit and vegetables or nuts and cheese.

expected results

everyone will lose weight at a different rate depending upon their genes, the number of calories they consume and the frequency and intensity of their workouts. your age can also have an impact on your ability to lose weight more quickly.

do not give up if you do not see results as quickly as you like because it does take time and dedication. every pound lost is a victory and one pound closer to a better quality of life!

the bottom line on exercise and weight loss

the exercise weight loss correlation is significantly strong. exercise and weight loss can transform your life by resulting in better health and greater self-confidence. to stay on course, remember the following:

you must burn more calories than you consume to lose weight; therefore, you must eat a healthy diet combined with exercise to lose weight effectively.

everyone loses weight from their body differently and it takes some people longer than others.

do not underestimate the importance of sleep and water in your weight loss endeavor.

with the right exercise weight loss plan you can easily lose five pounds or more resulting in a substantial improvement to your health.

take it one pound at a time by making realistic short-term goals and you will reach your ideal weight in the long term.

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