belly fat reviews

medically reviewed by anthony dugarte m.d.

belly fat

belly fat

that collection of fat around the midsection can be one of the hardest to lose. belly fat can accumulate in no time, but losing it can seem to take ages. we feel every dieter deserves to know the truth about what they’re fighting, so we dug deep into medical journals, authority websites and university papers. we don’t just skim the surface; we cover everything you could want to know about that abdominal problem in our belly fat supplement reviews.

what is belly fat?

when you look at your abdominal section, you may notice an accumulation of fatty tissue often referred to as belly fat. for some people it is extremely easy to store fat in the midsection, but for others it seems like no matter what they eat the tummy stays flat. if you’re on a mission to get rid of yours, you may be overwhelmed by promises from pill and diet companies that swear you can target the midsection, but that’s not the case.

what are the types of fat?

there are actually three different types of fat:

  • subcutaneous
  • intramuscular
  • visceral

subcutaneous fat

subcutaneous fat is found just under the surface of the skin. you can pinch it because it is loose.

intramuscular fat

intramuscular fat is located between your skeletal muscles. you cannot see it with the naked eye.

visceral fat

visceral fat is found even further in the body between organs like the liver and stomach. this is often referred to as belly fat.

you also have to take into consideration that there are two other subcategories of fat:

  • essential
  • storage

essential fat

essential fat is required for the healthy function of the body. it is stored in muscles, the central nervous system, bone marrow and organs. women, who have about 12% essential fat, also store some in the breasts, hips and thighs.

storage fat

storage fat is what’s left over when the body has too much energy to burn. it holds on to, or stores, this energy in the form of fat so it can be there for use just in case. belly fat is considered storage fat.

belly fat and weight-loss

belly fat is one of the most commonly reported problems with dieters, based upon hundreds of belly fat supplement reviews. you have to be wary of products or programs that claim they can target the abdominal area, because it’s simply not true. in order to lose weight in any area of the body you need to eat healthy, move more and boost your metabolism.

at the heart of shedding belly fat is a healthy diet. you basically have to eat fewer calories than the body needs to function every day. to find out just how many calories you need, combine your basal metabolic rate (bmr) with the number of calories you burn with extra activity. for example, if a 35 year old man who is 6’2″ weighs 230 pounds, his bmr is 2,205. he can eat that number of calories and still lose weight if he is relatively active. getting up and walking around, eating, digesting, exercising and other activities increase the bmr.

now, if you start eating fewer calories and the weight starts coming off it can have a positive impact on belly fat, if you store fat in that area quickly. according to dr. janet brill, a nutritionist, “if you tend to gain weight around your waist, you’ll likely lose weight from your midsection first.” it’s also important to note that women tend to hold on to fat in the thighs, butt and hips because those are the areas necessary for child-bearing and rearing.

mood and belly fat

surprisingly, storing belly fat is about more than the foods you eat. according to the international journal of behavioral medicine, using the mindful attention awareness scale (maas) to determine mindfulness concluded people with the lower maas scores had, on average, a bit more than a pound more belly fat (448 grams) than people with the high score.

targeting just belly fat

if you’re looking for a means of targeting just belly fat, there’s no way to do that. regular exercise and healthy eating can help you lose weight and fat, from all over the body, but it will not focus weight loss solely throughout the abdominal region.

fat stored in the belly area is active. this means the body tends to burn off this fat first. according to the international journal of obesity, during an exercise and diet plan, subcutaneous fat loss is greater than visceral fat loss.

belly fat or bloat?

it can be difficult to tell whether the belly fat you’re trying to lose is actually fat or if it is the effect of stomach issues, like gas. in a study of 2,000 people conducted by biopharmaceutical 2022足球世界杯德国队分组 abbvie, “72 percent said they have experienced at least one of the following gastrointestinal (gi) symptoms a few times a month or more: diarrhea, gas, bloating, stomach pain, frequent bowel movements, unexplained weight-loss and non-specific gi discomfort.”

changing up your diet to remove foods that commonly cause gas may be a good option if you think your digestive system is having some issues. many dieters are surprised by just how many foods are likely to cause gas.

according to the international foundation for functional gastrointestinal disorders, the following foods can cause gas.

  • beans (presoaking reduces the gas-producing potential of beans if you discard the soaking water and cook using fresh water)
  • vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, radishes, celery, carrots
  • fruits such as apples, peaches, raisins, bananas, apricots, prune juice, pears
  • whole grains and bran (adding them slowly to your diet can help reduce gas-forming potential)
  • carbonated drinks (allowing carbonated drinks, which contain a great deal of gas, to stand open for several hours allows the carbonation/gas to escape)
  • milk and milk products, such as cheese and ice cream
  • packaged foods prepared with lactose, such as bread, cereal, and salad dressing
  • foods containing sorbitol, such as dietetic foods and sugar-free candies and gums
  • beverages such as wine and dark beer

bottom line on belly fat

the takeaway is simple. you can lose belly fat, but be prepared to follow a healthy diet, exercise program, and take the right supplements. there is no secret pill, magic workout or a quick way to shed that abdominal weight. the only thing that impacts where you lose fat is where you most often store it.

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